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  1. Frosty15

    Tanker dps

    ty all for responses
  2. What is best way to get reward merits? Farm TF's? buy super packs?
  3. Frosty15

    Tanker dps

    If I had a tanker and a scrapper both with same primary and secondary what % more dps would a scrapper do?
  4. The age old question: How do I keep my pets alive? Im new at masterminds and it seems some secondaries are better than others to keep pets alive. Im thinking /FF or /dark may be the best. Thoughts?
  5. Its going to be dark themed static group. I know there will be electric / dark brute. There will be dark controller but not sure what its secondary will be. there will be melee scrapper or stalker
  6. what would be better defender for my static team of 6 emp or dark? we will be starting lvl 1 and play together thru lvl 50
  7. Im researching and it seems rad/fire is the top farmer
  8. How is rad rad brute for +4×8 farming? Does it compare to /fire brutes?
  9. ty
  10. what would be best st stalker?
  11. Frosty15

    Top build

  12. Frosty15

    Top build

    what is the top build these days for +4x8 farming?
  13. what is the best way to turn reward merits into influence?
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