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  1. Thank you so much, Very nice to learn about all this I really appreciate it!
  2. Ahh nice to know about that with Super Jump thank you! And S/L res are at 83.2%. Tough brings it to 90% which I'm assuming is probably why it wasn't taken because it may not be worth it for only 6.8% more? Cross Punch has the Superior Avalanche set which I'm guessing is mainly for the set bonuses. If I got rid of Cross Punch and Boxing I could put the same set in Proton Sweep or Devastating Blow and also get an extra ability like Maneuvers or Assault. I hear people say they don't like getting Maneuvers on a tank but it boosts defenses which are very low on Electric and also helps the team. Is the endurance cost just not worth it or something? Or even Assault for a team damage boost? Or maybe even just Tough for the 6.8% res?
  3. Thank you very much! I do have a few questions if you don't mind. May I ask why I should take Boxing and Kick but not Tough? I see that Super Jump has 2 slots and I heard Slow Resist is really good but wouldnt that set only be effective if I have Super Jump active while in combat? If so, wouldn't that eat up extra endurance? And why didn't you take Proton Sweep or Devastating Blow, are they weak for some reason?
  4. Hello! I am very new to the game and was hoping someone could help me with a cheap build. I have been searching online but only able to find builds that cost a fortune with the best of the best stuff. Of course I would love to be at that point however at the moment id like to get something going for some slow cheap farming but also be able to be a viable tank for taskforce and incarnate missions and such. I know it's a lot to ask but if anyone had any spare time to help me out thatd be great. I'm having a pretty hard time in mids being such a noob, maybe even if you dont have time for a mockup build Id still be willing to take some advice on elec/rad. Thank you very much! Here's my terrible newby progress, |MBD;20107;1291;1724;BASE64;| |G4pOEdWLMIBWxxsLw4qFlJQETTYa+G97VYdhYcbKEc0t9csEYNqSM6W3YG6pLyti8cU| |Quw0rmWTp6msdFpCuuimeV6FZGm2qVdVzX+euWfWIxJMYHX6E8e5/39rri5DRkQp3wy| |fsN3YxAOCgvaTIE9gCq5CrQ/RE0le7P6duRv279ypMXWS/i42heR2/Zm1q0CAuJF3Do| |Vikf6kQ3xc0BnHRPP/2RCBnKTT/hlj126fnAopIU0RYbCzAz4Ev1LY4z23f7TVqSBVL| |6wO4e4Q872JVuGU4xZbSLLFMpinqZ2ZIkp7nMfBOSXufhqLXa7egSJBjiKbFIuddEJM| |83vey8OhL+mMxk9d+cdOccoEBSRHNuo1QXh7bLZ0hI6jWyeiPQTejpdU+QZdt1H7Zhu| |7JXFMPG16KH3SUvAyd82Q3JDvjYerQE0cbzoAg9CbjcD5APppPnBZCwqjVMElUB9297| |84uufZRczMp9jukW9UKHC0u6VErmJnDTlgbqVOfySDtkIKxml61z81Z/7JLKo5ZMwec| |63IEMs8tPWhqPsSxxDMboaH3SeLaGyjVZ7JwDkWLzzOW1oKbo6jRuVn/4Qc3HQOZBC3| |rxj+Iln4WqwoqDOlhjBAjIDkjuYqzwvVHtHx2tYNSY/1C7eqkEF0mMqrMcnNBDl+AJQ| |N5yFMgdSEDhWc5RnN4qWk7WZ0Y7OpB51yMR8Ecv20reDGpg4rLls3EEcymgYoiSoJNA| |RmGTAkgHBmhzqOVw324AUOOkTXS4ryBo/WPo0OmgLzUmXA2BbHrlAvdObE61TdeuclV| |ZsMrNxvM3QyH5RQz3WdCLZ6i4ZWXHNZY+OpSg24hvWQcvK6c4/Ug/agIIhd4ZapZoVN| |v9FTCtinCf8PqlxnRS8lKNRVC5C4tToErO7TOStLrJsHWC+y753vCTHZi6UpGXWzXIc| |/YRbG2rqE7/iv/5T8kdTM43fKVLG0790+yWnAyxlYddxRst5qfmH/aTr5IkDiGbsNQC| |4MwuquPmzuSU1qmSSifZA85GIRnMNoGjdnCPeFCcC9iw5zaTvm374dRHu+cCO7xNTVR| |ZpcfucSPknE9pKTWY6tQtFWfWNqIy2ui6VYwqJvAvXUsRJWkFCzd3Aq4VXDCAneq3F0| |1ybbJAqZIwpa9qTF4OhRNFkM6HoaXrPzv/lkbboQ8R3e0b27zbIz5wj62Upgs9Zx5xV| |UGFxUwW781x6LJbYsnFaUmHqZmwJKERQTmleFHreNuNTXvgu8yrM+LpaIPLsU+yZ/kw| |vOZ+6a+zrIhrGqGaO0iwqmzYfWOHKX8EdKqCGfMwjfkCsKB4Iw+oX3vKviImHTTTap5| |ZZAxEI1a/nufOAx3zGRCuBDdXFlNK8FMfR9D2/8lEkM6Nt5oXKlCHafeRmjV5wgIfLL| |d/F7bn5MyA22bXRttbtuhw2hEDVND6uqLfM2RsObb0Z9D5lU+QC4gvBC8sbW8fJI+/m| |U14o9ovyYI37e8VXu7ET4IPmg4oJvX9oFJd2Kz8+lG+OJP/emDPTlktTDEINBQah/FL| |jfbQ7qSc7BqaLB3I4ZrWzxXflC/WZmNNseReRaG12vsga25mN8vc5TurdUC7mvE1v2/| |//6TcdODPV01A3tMltG5PBs2TrsH+akQYlHw6v1d+T5vRIPSBeMNXNRlN1opiAfKX4R| |UbbLBX7DNRQiQ7tRvQcx+c02rqjHScwFidZIBVX/zPGCoAQ==|
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