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Posts posted by Schreg

  1. I fully intend to play on both sides, well more occasionally on the Villain side, to fully explore the content.  I don't remember any of the missions on red side being exceptionally reflective of really evil stuff anyway, and it's fun to explore totally new zones and missions.  I just am not prioritizing it as I started where I started fifteen years ago, on the Blue side, because that's all there was.



  2. Since the PVP in the game is in a special zone, no matter what server you are on, you can do it when you want, and avoid it when you don't.  Villains has their own story arc, and you should be able to play through just fine.  If the Villain pop is lower the only problem would be finding enough people for groups, but my hunch is it's not that much lower.


    Also, I'd recommend experimenting with toons in all three settings, just to see what you like best, or as something to change to on a day you feel like not being a villain.


    Don't worry about noobishness, the game is scaled anyway, and there is no permadeath, just pride hurt if you happen to get owned. 


    (take all this with a fairly large grain of salt, because I'm just getting back into the game after a six year hiatus.  Some of my recollections may be less than accurate, as I haven't even gotten to the level of PVP possibility yet this time around.  Spending too much time enjoying teams and re-learning how to use the powersets.


    Glad to have you aboard!  Hope you have a great time.  Don't be afraid to ask peeps for tips in-game either, COH players tended to be a pretty helpful group back in the day.

  3. I am still in shock about this game being playable at all again.  It just so blew me away when I found out, AND when I got through the install and it worked.  The opening music actually sent chills down my spine.


    I've been thinking hard about whether I want to recreate my old favorite heroes or play new ones.  I've been re-doing some of my old ones, for nostalgia sake.  But since it's been so long, I am strongly thinking about making a totally new hero as my primary. 


    Has anyone else had this dilemma?


    One thing is for sure, since I don't know how long this unexpected return will last, I am going to do some screen and video captures this time so that I can have them for later.  Something I never did before because I wasn't ever thinking the game was in crisis until they shut it down.

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