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  1. i will give these things a try. thank you
  2. Thank you for the response. Here's my specs Processor AMD Ryzen 5 3600 Installed RAM 32.0 GB GPU NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 And, is that something I can look into then? Maybe some update for OpenGL, or a setting in the NVIDIA control panel?
  3. So, I've tried a ton of things I could think of. Have tried researching, reinstalling, setting graphics to defaults but haven't been able to solve this issue. My friend that plays with me told me they've never heard of this happening to anyone, either. It also only happens when playing City of Heroes, no other game has ever done this before. For some reason, during gameplay, the screen will randomly flicker to black for like a millisecond. It typically happens when I open a popup, ie, clicking on a contact, opening the contact list or scrolling through the badges on the nav menu, getting the 'Invention Scrap found' popup, or opening the main menu. Is there anyone who has had this issue before, and knows of a solution? *EDIT: It's been a few days, and I've yet to see the issue. Unfortunately, I have tried so many things that I'm not quite sure what ended up resolving the issue, but it seems like doing a clean install of my graphics drivers, as well as lowering the FSAA setting from 32 to 8 is what stopped this issue from happening at the very least as much as it was. Knock on wood because this issue did happen randomly and I don't have any way to force it to replicate, but so far it has yet to happen in the few hours I've been playing **EDIT: Issue seems to still be happening. Not sure what else to try, but I think I will just stop playing for now.
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