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  1. Yeah I looked at the animations for Martial Arts.... They look too... Martial arts-y. Not fitting my character concept.
  2. So I know I want to make a Scrapper, with super speed, and super reflexes. What I don't know is what primary power set I should use I googled, and recommendations for emulating a Speedster include: Martial Arts Street Justice Kinetic Melee (I'm a little iffy about the ranged powers in the set) Dark Melee Energy Melee Maybe something I didn't even list? I've never played any kind of Scrapper so I have no idea which I would go with, or which would look and play right, or work best with Super Reflexes.. I'm tempted to just go Street Justice, but like, I've never played Dark Melee or Energy Melee, so I really have no idea. EDIT: Looking at all the animations, Street Justice is the only one that looks right to me. The rest all look too fancy. I answered my own question this time, apparently.
  3. So I'm a little ways away from this decision on my Energy/Energy (mostly ranged) Blaster, but I'm a little confused: Do most Blasters that take FIre Mastery go with Bonfire or Char, or do a lot of them get both? I'm not quite sure, thats why I'm asking all of you here. I know fire mastery is very popular on Blasters, and it fits my character concept more than Force does, but I really can't tell if most people pick Bonfire or Char first.
  4. I'm a little confused as to the differences between doing missions from Contacts or missions from the Radio. Have Radio missions superseded Contact Missions or something? I do missions from contacts myself but mainly because of badges and so forth. Otherwise, I'm not entirely sure which I should be doing.
  5. I can't find the university that I am told is in Steel Canyon. How do I find it? My salvage is full so I think I'm supposed to use them to craft things now. I'm fairly new to the game, only level 21 on my first toon since the game was live. EDIT: Never mind found it on map. I feel noobish now.
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