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  1. Thank you everyone for the help, I think I better understand what I'm doing with builds! I'm playing a tanker mostly but also a dominator from time to time, looking forward to theory crafting my tankers build.
  2. This community has been very helpful so far, and y'all use a lot of acronyms and have a good bit of tribal knowledge. It took me a week to figure out what the hell a SO, DO, IO is. People talk about "oh this build violates the rule of 5," or say something like "you aren't hitting your Def minimums here." I've tried searching those things in the search bar to find a more detailed explanation. Could someone recommend some guides or forum posts that would explain all the basic tribal knowledge in this game?
  3. I am still new and playing around with what build I want to really invest in. At the moment I'm hooked on this idea of a INV/Katana Tanker. I like the idea of being super tanky and debuffing with the katana so the team can mop house. Thoughts on viability and strength, as well as recommend extra power sets to add?
  4. Yes sir!
  5. Thanks everyone for the warm welcome and guidance. I'm definitely looking forward to building out my Ice/??? Tanker tomorrow morning. I agree with ZemX, learn the game before playing a more challenging roll. I'll be there crafting my controller in the background as I go. 😁
  6. Makes all the sense in the world to me. I might try a melee toon, probably tanker, damage is not the main fun for me. But I am still interested in controller/dom at some point.
  7. Headcannon is important! But on a real note, why brutes?
  8. Hello everyone, I was playing some AC and watching AC YouTube videos when I accidentally stumbled across something about Homecoming, needless to say I instantly installed this game and I am very excited to get back into CoH. I'm a dad with very little time to play and I am currently suffering from analysis paralysis. I just want to make one of every kind of character and experiment with all the old builds I used to love back on live when I was a teenager. But I can't do that anymore, IRL and all that jazz. Build Suggestions Id be interested in hearing some suggested builds for someone who will be mostly solo but will group up for an hour two once a week. I love CC and feeling like I fit a niche in the world. So obviously controller or dominator peaks my interest. But tanks are just as fun for me to. Thoughts my friends? ---Edit--- I have decided to try out Tanker (Ice/Titan)
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