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Posts posted by saltydog

  1. OMG this server is great, it basically allows us that had everything on live and spent years building up to pick back up like we never left and pvp. I made a tank last night did some fight club under atlas and lost last night gf to whoever that was. But it was the best lost ever because it being back so many memories. Also since it’s all equal on test if you lose it’s your fault it on how you built your toon. I love it that should be the official pvp server imo.

  2. Is it me or folks act like sentinels dont exist? Ranged AT with scrapper/brute like secondary armors aka best of both worlds. Also melee has always been viable i played from i12 up until shutdown and i was 100% melee up until incarnates came. I made my first pvp squishy a rupter i managed to be decent with. But before that i was all about melee, webnade headspliter crits could one shot a squishy if you were slotted well with proc, worst case a quick follow up. True all melee wasnt viable, but the ones that were did well. Spines/Regen was a thing, Doms feared WP tanks, the good days.

  3. PvP only/unique accolades that give PvP oriented stat boosts would be awesome.  I can’t speak for everyone in the PvP community but I no longer have the time to be grinding PvE endlessly in order to keep my character competitive in PvP with things that require hours to complete such as task forces or killing a large amount of certain mobs to get.  Instead I’d love to be able to login and spend the few hours I do have per day or week doing what I enjoyed the most about CoH, which is the PvP.

    i second this, back in the day before getting older working more etc i had the time. I played this game for years getting enough money and io sets and accolades. It a be impossible now. Id love a io vender for pvp, maybe only on the pvp server or something.
  4. Only reasons the zones are empty is cause I’m driving everyone out. Can’t use incarnates in sirens call anyway. If you could I’d beat anyone even if I didn’t have em. Only the weak rely on insps and incarnates, and the real pvpers know.


    Is this legit, incarnates are off in zone already?

    he said sirens, thats 25 and under they only worked in RV
  5. pre i13 was nice, incarnates were needed to offset DR. The only way id say cut incarnates off if DR vanished. I was there from i7 to the shutdown so i seen both sides. i13 was was real pvp, powers worked and you had to be tactical. If anything id say leave zones alone and just make arena have more options. I remember the fear of a buffed fire blaster in the zone, or a dom catching you with no breakfrees. A EM stalker was feared before the EM nerf to energy transfer those were the days.

  6. DR still remains, they turned off TS and Heal Decay in PvP Zones.



    You have the option to turn off DR, Heal decay and TS in Arena PvP if you so choose now.



    I don't think they will ever remove DR from PvP Zones, it would be such a massive shock to anyone who only played post i13. Going into a PvP zone w/o a tray full of break frees would mean certain death for all new players.

    Thats a great compromise it lets us oldschool players have our fun, i love it lol. Good work
  7. I use a Saitek P2500 Rumble Force Controller.

    The game registers the right analog on that one? it thinks the left trigger is the right analog stick pointed left, and the right trigger the right analog facing right. You can press the right stick in as a button and it works but no directions from the right stick.
  8. Yes in pvp, it was fine before that, you could make a build and it would work, after DR we adapted but it wasn't as fun. Example, before DR if a dominator got hold of you and you didnt have breakfrees you'd probably die, and deservedly so, who comes to pvp with no breakfrees? After DR you could wait 4 sec and just run away as DR would kick in, so it made only ranged fighters viable.

  9. I'm a old school player from triumph and freedom, so this is great seeing this back in full effect. My only question i cant seem to find the answer is this the version before DR? Hopefully lol i hated DR it killed certain sets. I like having to use breakfrees and stuff. The DR years holds didn't work right, stuns most cc was useless in pvp.

  10. Does anyone use control pads I.E xbox controller? Before the flames lol it makes it easier for casual play. But my question is getting the game to recognize the right analog stick, you can press it in like a button and it picks it up. But i cant assign it to my camera keys, I.E any directions dont register on the right stick.

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