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  1. melee cones are dogpoop period, i plaued on a very small private server and was given dev power... powers are literally tweaked with bars where they just turn them up and down lmaoooo.... there is no effort other then typing different numbers and and shifting power knobs
  2. the heros are the villians and the villains are the heros lmao jebus
  3. imagine if they put these resources and time into revamping the game....like mega rewards in RV.... Pull the player base out of farms and into a bloodbath in recluse fighting over pillboxes and stuff... incentivising people to move to red side... so much wasted potential... more time and energy it seems goes into the PC Liberal hivemind junk then actually making the game fun these servers would all be red day and night if it werent for these issues. many of freinds have quit bc they feel like they cant play the game or talk ingame without someone snitching and banning there account. and if you look through the forums its happening more and more
  4. you have people sitting around just policing chat yelling reported. its dumb asf you would ever foster an atmosphere where your incentivizing self loathing people to just sit around waiting for someone to say donald trumps name so they can ban you its actually disturbing. no other game does this bc its absolutely retarded and will eventually land you in court. while you may have an end user agreement.... the game is still property of nc soft and end user agreements cant supersede federal law.
  5. i mean the game has nazis as an entire arc... its actually insane to have anything but common sense dont aggressivly hate people and porno stuff and dmca copyright stuff. the rest of that stuff should just be thrown out immediately.
  6. they need new gms, a game master deleted my 5 year old costume and character name bc i was charging for farming lmaoooo.... then the same gm went through and deleted multiple characters costumes and names i made years ago. he deleted my jesus look alike...... bc it is religious controversial.... uh there are 3 billion Christians on the planet and half the so called hero's in game are satanic or demonic references.... its laughable and you should never ever have a code of conduct this subjective.... they were given a license in good faith by nc soft and now they are like tyrannical sociopaths attacking anyone who thinks differently lol...i just got a call back from nc soft they said they will be reaching out to me soon about these issues. i told these guys they needed to chillout with all this junk they are gonna find out the Hardway. imagine crashing out over charging people to sit at the door in a farm and then attacking my whole account. the character name was slippery turd....im sorry to tell the devs everyone and every sentient being on the planet drops a dukey every single day since inception. its not adult or sexual to have turd in your name lmaoooooo. this is the kind of thing that gets private servers shut down reverse discrimination. they should stick to nc softs terms of service period. the only thing nc soft ever cared about is what can get them sued like taking legit comic book characters and copy pasting costumes and names verbatim and common sense stuff like pornography. THE ENTIRE GAME IS BASED OFF OF CONTRIVERSIAL RELIGIOUS POLITICAL REAL WORLD EVENTS... THE GAME IS LITERALLY A GIANT METAPHOR TO REALITY IN THE 90S AND 00S LOL...i wonder somtimes if these people have actually played the actual game and picked up on the metaphoric and allegorical nuisances that directly come from the real world. by there terms of service the entire game should be banned.lol volenteer gms should not have the authority to go into peoples accounts and start deleting hours of hardwork bc there political and religious bias and i go in game and its a satanic cabal.
  7. certain powersets are just way more powerful. i have made over 50 different combinations and slotted them all. kinetic melee is pretty terrible. melee cones are just way too small. a blaster comes in and can hit all targets in a 30 yd radius and shadow maul or arc of destruction are just a few to name that hit like maybe 1 or 2 enemies. i get probably the reason is limiting fire farming but throttling all the melee bc of farming ruins the experience for all content. by the time i hit a mob in team a blaster or corrupter or any ranged class kills all the targets while im hitting 1 or 2 with my abilities it makes me just want to go back to farming instead of playing the other content. tbh brutes aren't even the fastest farmers anymore. ive been in fire farms where blasters and corrupters have dang near the same defenses without all the aoe capping amd gutting that has occurred to melee bc of farming. a good look at the logistics and how yall can bring melee back in line with the rest of the classes. tbh the most damage ive seen is the macro peabringer which is just completely busted able to burst 20 k damage in less then 10 seconds. a buff to some melee classes would be refreshing. bigger cone radiuses and range.it also pertains in pvp. a ranged toon can sit with 60% defense and 3 shot melees with actual defensive secondaries, it doesn't make that much sense. the only good melee specs in a pvp setting are the ones that give a defense debuff. thank you for consideration
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