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Posts posted by Liam1986

  1. Yeah makes no difference I've had a full team in a cave for hours straight and been solo and haven't noticed any discernal difference in drops....however one thing I have noticed about the insp drops is that lets say I have empty insp getting insp to drops going through kills is almost non existent and my dps without reds is very good most times i forget to even pop reds however if i run into a set of mobs with 1-whatever popped they refill much faster and I don't know why...yes i'm killing faster but its not night and day difference if i charge into 30 guys with nothing popped i get no reds if i charge into 30 guys with 2 reds popped the insp rain down like.....rain i guess

    • Confused 1

    Your question is not answered much or brought up because its a fatiguing bone of contention its like asking ''hey guys what woman should I look for'' everyone is like damn dude I mean play the field what do you even like? do you like big dumb blonde girls or do you like petite Athletic latinas etc etc none of them are a bad idea unless you have zero interest in them and they don't fit you. My friend had a tiny japanese GF (Split up now) who used to physically assault him in public and he said that was the happiest he'd ever been...me personally i'd of drop kicked her through plate glass but ce la vie to each their own.


    Explain to people what it is you want an AT to do...then we can narrow things down for you and eliminate other AT's





  3. I picked tanker because I believed in the differences in the AT's as expressed within the AT's descriptions I wanted a tanker because it was an unkillable bodyguard disruptive role I wanted to sacrifice DPS for Survivability Yes tankers get more HP yes they get a higher cap as standard but when you export a tanker who primarily is living his best life in a pack of mobs over to a PVP setting in which at best there is only a few guys on you and even then they are kiting outside your effective taunt/web range you're basically falling way behind a brute when you inevitably do catch up with an enemy or they all start to engage you instead.


    It would be nice if the Abilities that worked within a group worked instead like a brutes fury so that a prolongued engagement was additively helping your mob ability over time rather then requiring a large pack of mobs to get the benefit of your class.


    I don't know to be honest I just want there to be a role for me as a tanker to body check and put some pants on anybody trying to harm my team mates and i'd really like it if the tanker was high and above a nightmare to deal with unless there is a coordinated effort in comparison to a brute.



  4. 1 hour ago, Williwaw said:


    Tankers already have the highest base HP and the highest HP caps.  How will raising those numbers further alleviate any of the issues being discussed?

    Yes but endgame with a brute putting most their eggs in the defensive basket do they not in most regards come very close to the same HP levels and yet still out DPS tanks? I'd like the distinction in the roles to be more accutely defined and I think a flat rate base/cap raise on HP would be the easiest to implement and tweak by the developers instead of all these varying opinions and ideas. Whenever a suggestion or idea is raised its implementation should be factored and i think the HP/CAP raise would fall in line with the playstyle and thematics of what most tanker players pick a tanker for.


    Me personally i just wanted to be an unkillable Little yellow bee who liked a scrap and could taunt things off Friends and ideally with web nade and some pvp tweaks do same in the odd kickball or open pvp zones with tankers being nigh invincible but lacking punch power you put them squarely into the support role or shot caller class that can call targets and not get 2 shotted given the HP raise. I still find tankers to be underwhelming in open PVP and making them more survivable would make them extremely disruptive and chosen more often.

  5. You'll be capping out smash lethal endgame i'd drop tough and drop the energy line and grab the presence line leave out the SS taunt and grab the presence line taunt a fear because why not and summarily unrelenting...unrelenting and rage is straight up sexy if you ever plan to pvp need to grab Super speed and Super jump if not don't worry about it.


    In all honesty at 50 you'd have to be nigh brain dead to not have an unkillable tanker with incarns..


    I didn't bother with haymaker and punch i grabbed the first attack in fighting can't remember name and weave and then crosspunch its nice all procced out and the set bonuses can really help.

  6. I strongly reccomend you just play what you like the feel of and what you are proud of the most in making as incarns and IO sets and accolades will make anyone a god in pve.


    Sure you could make a min/max thats 100% perfection when taking damage or you could enjoy the crap out of a set thats a Little less tanky...i made a Super strength willpower tanker as its a bit of a Jack of all trades and if at some point i find an amazing idea for a costume i can change name aswell and play that and not lose all the work i put in.


    tl:dr play what you enjoy because PVE it doesnt make that much difference after 50 everything melts in teams anyway from incarn dps.

  7. I'm currently working on a HP capped tanker build I'm just wondering whether I should dial back the amount of IO's HP bonuses in the build to factor in the accolades. My understanding on this would be that getting those HP accolades would be redundant if I am already capping it out with current IO's I haven't fully flushed out the build yet but was just wondering.

  8. I think WOW's newish aztec heart of darkness style rotting blood temple area is amazing i resubbed just to explore it and the bosses that dwealt within. being a huge fan of Aztec culture and the allure of a dark and rainy jungle land i really dug it. I have yet to find a place in COH where i am awe struck by the environment.


    Warhammer online had probably the best desert/egyptian area in the land of the dead.


    Conan exiles dunks on everyone elses games tho if you haven't played that its nuts every area just makes you excited to go explore what horrors and wonders lurk around the corner.




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