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  1. I really love the concept of Sorcery and when I found a name that actually got me excited to try and use it, I had to give it a shot. I got a build before, but it just wasn't what I was looking for. So, since Storm is such an End hog, I did concentrate more on endurance recovery overall. This is more of a team build, not solo build, so the defenses and resistances are middling, but I figured this could be enjoyable in a team setting. Thoughts? Coven 2.0 (Darkness Control - Storm Summoning).mbd
  2. Slightly changed it to take out the Stealth pool, swapped in Combat Jumping and Rise of the Phoenix. A couple slots moved. Hopefully this improves it a little. Again, any input is much appreciated. Hot Soup (Fire Control - Thermal Radiation).mbd
  3. Thank you for the assistance! It makes sense.
  4. Hello! Trying to throw together an alternate version of my Fire/Thermal Corrupter. Wanted to try my hand a solo build for Fire/Thermal controller. Any thoughts or tweaks would be greatly appreciated. Hot Soup (Fire Control - Thermal Radiation).mbd
  5. Hello! I'm trying to build my Fire/Thermal Corrupter and I'm just not confident in it yet. Any help or advice is much appreciated. For the concept it does require Flight, but the other pools are optional of course. Thank you so much in advanced! Miracle (Fire Therm).mbd
  6. Thank you so much for the advice. Honestly I didn't even realize I had a sixth LotG, hah. But thank you the tips are super helpful!
  7. Hey there! I just threw this build together, would love some feed back. It seems to have decent defenses and resistances as well as a fairly good To Hit stat, but any help would be much appreciated. Still learning build building. Gap Shot - Blaster (Archery - Tactical Arrow).mbd
  8. Hello! Might anyone have a bane spider build they like? I've tried Crabbermind and it's cool, but I'd love to see about going Bane. Thank you so much in advanced!
  9. So, I started from scratch with your advice. Took AIM as well. Is this any more improved? It doesn't look like it, it actually looks worse. How am I so trash at this, lol. Boom Flower 2.0 (Energy Blast - Nature Affinity).mbd
  10. Thank you! I'm just a bit confused when it comes to the calculations, so while I try hard, I don't seem to do very well at this. I appreciate your feed back, thank you so much! I'll rework the build.
  11. Hello! I was wondering how this build looks, again kinda new, but I did get some advice in the blaster forums, however I just wanted to see what some of you more adept folks though! Power Burst also has an alternate of all Thunderstrike in it too. Thank you so much for your help. Boom Flower (Energy Blast - Nature Affinity).mbd
  12. Ah! I don't know why it didn't notify me people replied again! Anyway, I appreciate the words and yeah, I've only seriously played Controllers since my time back and I guess I'm still used to Blasters from Live being what they were and trying to be "help me save me" and only taking the ranged options. Thank you though very much, both of you, for the advice and what to look for and possibly change about the build.
  13. Honestly survivability. While I know high damage is the goal, being able to consistently do so (rather than sporadically) would require a bit more defense and resistances, I tried my best to balance it from how I understood it.
  14. Hello, I am still learning Mids, but I don't think I did too poorly on this one. I would love some feedback though. Landscape - Blaster (Radiation Blast - Plant Manipulation).mbd
  15. Thank you for that feedback, I'll try playing around with it.
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