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Posts posted by Archangel62

  1. I'm going to start off by saying that this might be stupid, but I have been thinking about why AE can be such an issue but also in dealing with frustration some people get with missions and general XP. Part of why people tend to do AE is efficiency but I think it might also be that the way that the game is set up killing mobs ends up being higher value than completing a mission. Now there isn't necessarily anything wrong with that but the fact is that missions don't necessarily have anything that makes them better than the AE events.


    I actually like the idea of AE but also understand some of the frustration that comes with someone basically hitting max level in a few days of it, not that there's anything wrong with farming as a means of leveling necessarily but I also see people wanting to be able to do the story missions and losing out the farms because they're faster.


    What I am proposing is altering the incentive structure to make it so that there are valid reasons for doing either or both not just from a playstyle perspective but also for rewards.


    1) Badges: Badges are earned for levels, tasks but also for completing certain mission chains. Some of them do offer at least a small bonus in game aside from bragging rights. I am suggesting we do a few more bonuses. The badges are gained from missions specifically can offer things like slightly faster recovery, HP bonuses, or any number of other things. They could also improve the chance of drops for items. Doing this adds an extra reward for missions that AE doesnt give.


    2) Mission Rewards: For missions in game I would suggest increasing XP gained from completion of the mission as well as improving the rewards at the end. Not just on the field of more currency but like you get in DFB where each boss drops an origin specific enhancement for you. Or you get high end salvage or recipes. The missions themselves can give more specialized rewards. Doing this gives more reason to do missions as well as creating a divide idea, AE can offer more volume (in farm mode at least) where as standard missions offer more of what you want.


    3) Incentivizing AE creators: This is going to a slightly different part of it. My first two looked at AE mostly in farm mode because that seems to be the big thing people are complaining about. But let's also recognize that nerfing rewards can make it so that the only reason people use AE IS to farm because a normal mission is suddenly just not worth it. That in turn can make people not wnat to create something because it may sit forever unused or untouched beneath the thousand farms. This idea is a little involved so here goes

        1) Check community votes and popularity for missions. Ones that are obviously total farms can probably be discarded (though arguable DFB is a farm itself depending on how you look at it). Look at the missions layout, story and ideas.

        2) If the idea looks good consider integrating it into the story, as a task force, mission, etc. The person who made it could get a special title or badge like worldbuilder. Players will still want to check them out because it can help bring in new content and new ideas

        3) If the mission is made into a real world mission give them a replacement slot for their AE creations.


    I have a fourth idea I've been kicking around as well but each time I write it out I feel like it's not great so I am currently trying to polish it or see if it may just be a bad idea. Comments on these thoughts would help.


  2. I admit I would like it closer ot what it was, also...I admit I have a somewhat larger set of ideas that I might create my own topic for since it's probably more involved than this thread would want it to be


  3. Not sure if I'm alone but we have had several cases of someone being kicked from or 'quitting' the group but still being in the league, havign to kick them from teh league to get them back in thr goup. We never even tried for a league mode or anything. The main times it seemed to happen involved our tanker using taunt and the stalker stealthing

  4. I'm a bit late to the party but I kind of want to bring up a few issues too. I'm going to mostly ignore the usual points that a person playing a different way shouldn't be punished as it doesn't impact anyone elses fun. I will accept the idea that the servers were unstable from AE, I can see that being plausible. The problem though is that AE has a lot of other good uses, and it feels less like the changes being made are to keep the servers stable and are more there to, well, punish AE users or try to make it so that no one wants to use it.


    The thing is AE is actually pretty good as a stopgap tool, it allows people with alts (and let's be honest here, this game will make you an altaholic, the most powerful endboss is in fact the character creator) to level without having to go through the same missions ad infinitum. It can also allow someone to get some extra resources to say help their superteam build a base or finish off a set they were working on.


    Now, if the XP gains are somehow overly..generous, well why not just adjust game XP. Look I'll be honest the 150%-200% XP going on feels pretty nice and the growth rate isn't bad, especially when we want to retain players and there is a lot of reason to make new characters. I also want to point out that the XP nerfs may exacerbate the farmer problem. To put it a bit differently, if I get sick of the usual missions I could look for some stuff that looks fun in AE, but the XP nerfs suddenly make that less viable. If I want to be able to level and not ahve to redo the same missions, farming maps become the main viable alternative.


    Also it does feel like the general loot is getting nerfed too. As someone who would rather not have to spend half their free time at the auction house being able to farm up loot is rather preferable in these situations. But then maybe I'm wrong and others know something I don't, but the fact is that right now it feels like people that want to use this, whether to farm or to tell their own stories and explore options, are being punished and that seems...well not so good to put it mildly

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