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Posts posted by Wapsitax

  1. Adding another 'still happening' to this, dark melee. Happened twice in the last couple hours (last one happened at 18:15 PST on my character Relinquished on Everlasting, if that helps with troubleshooting). As per above, all animations play, the effect appears to land on the enemy, but there's no damage or roll in the combat log, hide is broken and aggro drawn.

  2. On 5/29/2021 at 2:46 PM, FriezaReturns00001 said:

    I wasn't asking you though. It actually not hard to grasp what I'm saying:

    You do realize it's kind of a double edge sword for streaming at least streaming not videos i.e. the potential of copyrighted characters showing up out of no where, even if and/or said users are AFK -- it's a risk because anyone can glance at a stream and see something off that upsets NCSoft no esp since they do have the property back yet? Dunno why that'd be confusing so why are yah like this?


    It is a risk in general due to the mount of streaming service activities which opens a floodgate. This is only common knowledge to people who are within the streaming community anyway so they know this better than most non-streamers/gamers. Which is why I said, it sounds like it would be better to stream after they got the IP back in full but if they did there are still others problems to pop up. 🤷‍♂️ but I'll see how this progresses a year from now.


    Yes I realize that video and streaming services increases the number of eyes on the game. Yes I realize that increases the likelihood that a human being is going to spot an overt copyright/trademark/IP violation. Yes I realize that increases the likelihood an IP holder and/or NCSoft may become aware of said violation.


    But what I also realize is that the courts don't really care that those violations exist. They care what the service holder (Homecoming in this case) have in place to dissuade and prevent such violations. I also know that Homecoming has a policy in place that prohibits it that's pretty standard for similar services. I'm also aware that they actively enforce it, and can almost definitely prove that they actively enforce it. I'm also aware that this is almost definitely what NCSoft actually cares about, as well as most other IP holders. Because they're concerned with the legality of it and protecting their claims/rights, not the mere existence of violations, for the most part. (Yes exceptions exist, even high profile ones, but as a general rule this appears to be the case.)


    I'm also admittedly under the assumption that Homecoming is under NDA due to legal negotiations with NCSoft, and that the streaming policy was originally put in place under the direction of NCSoft and that the policy was changed has NCSoft's blessing. AKA very low risk.


    While that last part is a lot of assumptions, I think those assumptions are pretty well substantiated based on information the Homecoming team themselves have released and a vague, general understanding of what it means to be in legal negotiations with a large corporation.


    Homecoming is never going to "got the IP back in full" - they never had it. That belongs to NCSoft and they've made it clear they're not interested in selling it. What they are most probably working to get is a license to use that IP to continue to keep the Homecoming servers running in a legal way. Further I'm not sure what 'other problems' could possibly pop up from allowing streaming of the game under the approval of the IP holder, but hey, that is an assumption of mine. I just haven't seen an ounce of credible evidence to challenge said assumption.


    Unless you mean NCSoft getting their IP back, in which case... what? They never lost it. They might have come under risk of a challenge against it due to the source code for the server being released publicly, but they came down pretty hard on that with C&Ds to protect their claim.


    Lastly, I understand that the admittedly assumed NDA prevents the Homecoming team from talking about anything related to the legal negotiations, including confirming any aspect thereof, without explicit prior approval from NCSoft. And that they're almost definitely erring on the side of extreme caution to not put said negotiations under any risk. Some-to-many NDAs prohibit even overtly acknowledging the NDA exists.


    That is why I'm like this.

  3. 11 hours ago, Nerio72 said:

    So does this mean we can "advertise" these servers or should we be subtle about it still?

    As long as the "advertisement" doesn't breach the code of conduct and isn't behind a paywall or done via a paid service I'm sure they'd be happy if you did!


    Wait I'm starting to sound like Jimmy.


    I mean... there's nothing in the streaming policy that states you can't tell people about Homecoming.



    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  4. 17 hours ago, FriezaReturns00001 said:

    But dunno this still seems like you guys don't want vods or streaming content to be done in the first place esp if you don't have the IP yet.

    I assure you if they didn't want that they wouldn't have changed the policy to allow it. I'm honestly confused why you even think they don't want us streaming the game in the first place. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Giovanni Valia said:

    but why the sudden change of position on streaming?

    To those asking for the reason, read this:

    And deduce why the stream policy was likely put into place and what it means that it's been updated in such a manner it has been.


    Because of the main part of the message I linked they very likely can't just come out and say exactly why the policy change happened. That's how legal negotiations tend to work.

    • Like 2
  6. 4 minutes ago, HixxyDubz said:

    "Do not upload any footage which may portray the IP or Homecoming in a negative light"


    So criticism is not welcome?

    Constructive criticism isn't portraying anything negative. Just stay away from behaviors that are generally unacceptable and from spreading unfounded rumors or the like. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. On 4/6/2021 at 12:23 PM, GM Arcanum said:

    New Command: /powers_togglealloff

    • Added a new /powers_togglealloff command which will toggle off all currently active toggles


    Small request but could you add an alias for this command to follow the naming norm for power execution commands? I only ask because I know I'm going to be binding this command a lot to replace one I use on pretty much every character and I'm going to muscle memory my way into typing /powexec and I can't imagine I'm going to be the only one.


    Thanks for your consideration and all the work you guys put into keeping City of feeling like City of, but better!

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