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Everything posted by Kazyone

  1. Thanks for the input it is appriciated! Of all my toons I counted and by FAR have more sents than any other. And as I have made hundreds of characters over the years(have played off and on since beta) I really need a concept for a character to "click" with me. Giving ninja tools an honest try for now but yes I agree epic ice would do justice to the concept as well! And as for hasten, I have so many characters of all archtypes with it as well as tough and weave. I wish there was another option for us that didn't require "every" character to pick these up. But they always end up in my builds as I solo, group and do TFs on all and I find myself needing well rounded builds and not specilized ones like a fire farmer or such. I will most likely bite the bullet and add hasten again, just want to make ONE character that doesn't have it.
  2. So I have been reading and reading and reading some more but cannot find any real answers, its old news as updates have changed things or everyone contradicts each other left and right LOL. First ice, I have the powers I want and like but am wondering is it worth slotting for slow? Holds? Or just go dps? Ninjitsu, I have all of the powers, even blinding powder as I LOVE it (enter haters stage left...) and my thought process is cap melee defense with sets first (as I stealth in, blind the group and then nuke away) and then work on recharge? Is this a good way to go? As for my epic pool I really want to use ninja tools for RP reasons (as my character resembles a certain fighting game ninja who uses cold blasts...) but am not adverse to using a diff set or patron pool and color them to fit the theme. The only thing I do NOT want to do on the character is go haste, max recharge and spam 3 powers as I have done this before and it bores me to tears and I shelve the toon instantly. I like having a bag of powers to pull from and keep it fresh and entertaining. Prolly why ninjitsu (esp on sents!) scratches that itch and keeps my altitius in check! And thoughts or rambling is welcome!
  3. I only skipped swarm and lean on the defense clicky during missions. Getting stacks of pack metality really speeds up the kill...um arresting lol.
  4. Anyone? Bueller...? Bueller...?
  5. So after making almost an infinate number of MM alts I finally found a combo I like, beast/cold. I am almost 50 now and looking to put together a build that can solo 3/8 content without too much trouble AND isn't 500mil inf as I make each toon farm their own way! Any advise or input on a build or just general strats on getting all my incarnates done would help a ton!
  6. Thugs/Solic is a combo I would never have considered! Do you have a build I can use while leveling? I always end up respeccing a ton of times but would be great to know where to start as I have never used either set.
  7. Hrrrr all that has sparked my altitius, but the bot/cold maybe the most as I have never used the cold secondary. Anyone have advise for leveling that combo? I know often abilities and slotting during leveling are very different from a final build at 50! Thanks so much all for all the great input!
  8. So I wanna make a new MM but this time I want to focus on my pet tankiness and not my own(Last MM was Demon/Time Tankermind) So my only 2 restrictions are I dont want to do demons or time again and I want to avoid constantly healing my pets. So my toughts are headed towards bot/FF or ?/cold or ?/thermal or ?/sonic? Please give me your imput!
  9. Ya thats the issue i am having, lovin all the powers LOL
  10. @oedipus_tex thanks for the reply! Will follow the advise for thorns! What do you think about darkness control? Anything there can be skipped?
  11. Although I have played CoH/CoV since launch, I have never found a dominator that I liked, until now. Darkness/Thorn. I love characters built around a concept and this has been pure joy. However I need help while I level him. What powers are a MUST to take? What powers are skippable? Should I get tough and weave? What are some basic slotting strats while leveling? (I mostly solo or group in Radio/Missions teams and try to enjoy the ride to 50) Any help our thoughts would be most welcome!
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