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Psychic Guardian

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Posts posted by Psychic Guardian

  1. 51 minutes ago, Michiyo said:

    NeoSplasher was actually one of my old tools as well lol...  It talked to my website (the data it requested is no longer there), so even if the paths for login screens weren't different now, it wouldn't work anyway.  It's been on my list of things to work on, but that list is VERY long at this point.  I might see about bumping it up as I still have the source for it kicking around.

    Oh it looks like it just needs the path and xml header changed. It did throw an error it couldn't reach your site, but then output a .texture for me with the old folder hierarchy and everything(I can't remember if I checked if the image was valid. I know I looked at the xml. That was the purpose of installing honestly, just to make sure I wasn't going insane and the dir HAD changed.)

  2. Oh I've seen that. That's more of an "Apply a Mod" tool than tools to create mods, at least at the app's current stage. I found the PiggViewer and luckily another app that can create .texture since apparently PiggViewer crashes when it tries to complete that task (at least on my PC). I did find the installer for the ancient "Neo Splasher" installer and confirmed it writes to the wrong path, however it also has the email of the dev so that was an option I considered but for now i'm doing ok I think. Just got sidetracked updating the LoginScreen I made on Live.

  3. Did you ever find a working Splasher for HC (I don't know why they changed the locations of LoginScreen files so the old tools broke)? i'm working on customizing the Loginscreen now and would love one, or might end up trying to figure out how to write one myself if the community needs it.

  4. Strange I know Live used HybridUI folder and that much longer filename. I created the "login" folder and put one of my files there renamed to coh.texture and you're right the game threw an error immediately saying the file is misnamed due to an improper header. I think a lifetime ago I used an app maybe "cohsplasher" to set the header. I guess i'll need to find something to fix those.

  5. 54 minutes ago, AboveTheChemist said:

    A few comments in bold below:

    Here's what my test menu looked like:

    It sounds like you know this already, but the menu name to use with the /popmenu command in-game is the name contained in the top-most occurrence of the Menu command, denoted by the red arrow above. It's not the filename, which above is called menu_test_delete.mnu.


    Here's the code itself if that would be helpful:


    Menu "costumes_a"
    Title "Working Title"
    Option "Dummy Option" ""

    It might be helpful if you could post the code, or even a screenshot, of the top portions of your menus.

    Maybe you'll have insights as to why my LoginScreen mods are also failing? I forget how I made them but I remember something about using bitmaps. In any case all of these .textures could be activated successfully on live.

    I have "COH_LogInScreen_Background.texture"



    and it gets ignored. I always liked this one:

    CoH Login Page Statesman&Tyrant.bmp

  6. 39 minutes ago, AboveTheChemist said:

    A few comments in bold below:



    Here's what my test menu looked like:




    It sounds like you know this already, but the menu name to use with the /popmenu command in-game is the name contained in the top-most occurrence of the Menu command, denoted by the red arrow above. It's not the filename, which above is called menu_test_delete.mnu.


    Here's the code itself if that would be helpful:


    Menu "costumes_a"
    Title "Working Title"
    Option "Dummy Option" ""


    It might be helpful if you could post the code, or even a screenshot, of the top portions of your menus.

    OF COURSE it's the genius I kept coming across with techy posts who solves my issue. Ya know I almost didn't type out the full path in my list of steps but I guess the genius voice in the back of my head insisted "type it out so they will say that's what's wrong". I'm just getting to bed so I'll have to launch the game and see later but I checked the directories and yeah at some point with my backups or transfers "Menus" folder disappeared and they went into English. I can't believe they forced that broken one onto everyone lol. It's missing a ton of CCEs, and the hotkey activations for 1 and 10 are the same in each submenu so the hotkeys can't function right...


    I'll be so hyped being able to actually see my CCEs activating again!

  7. So on live I had written a custom quickchat, and custom costumechange popmenu. I'm just getting back into coh but have had a tequila install since 2019. The data directory had my .mnu's in their proper subdirectories but the ingame quickchat was not mine, and /popmenu costumes brings up a popmenu but not mine. I've been tinkering for DAYS and asking for help ingame and Discord and gotten nothing. I just want the files read.


    • Duh-they are .mnu not .mnu.txt
    • Data>texts>English directory
    • verified Tequila installdirectory is where i'm working and not another backup location of coh(they're all over my PCs)
    • cut everything out of English and started game, /popmenu Costumes STILL works when it shouldn't. (closing and relaunching game between all troubleshooting steps btw)
    • "Maybe the devs made this dumb unfinished costumes popmenu and playerdirectory files can't override it" Tried changing the name of my menu. not the filename, the menu
    • Saw a tip somewhere that the line above the menu title needs to end in carriagereturn, verified that was true, it always has been in my file.
    • Tried installing and using HCLauncher. Still nothing.
    • decided to try using my custom loginscreen files I made a lifetime ago that used to work in textures_library of data. Those are ignored also.
    • getting furious deleted the main textures_library file for loginscreen image
    • opened the game and the cursed default still loads just fine. While that file is GONE from my system.
    • (It's not any Windows policing issue as i'm on Windows 7 with UAC off. The game installs fine and my costumes and powercust all also save to this directory verifying it's not the wrong install area i'm looking at)

    What on earth has happened that causes all usermods that don't come from that "Cohmodder" app i'm about to have to look into next to be ignored???

  8. 56 minutes ago, JAMMan0000 said:

    Does use of City Modder disable the use of the old data folder method or does it work in parallel with the data folder? I create personal pop menus for my own use that I don't have any desire to publish publicly. Will I still be able to do that without officially publishing them and packaging them through City Modder?

    Have your popmenus been working in HC? I too wrote custom ones on live and I've spent HOURS today trying to troubleshoot why they won't load. I even switched from Tequila to HC Launcher and so far still nothing. So here I am about to try this next.

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