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Posts posted by Sundance117

  1. I see sidekick just as nemesis, a custom persona to use in specialized arc stories.

    No need to make him a pet.


    Here is a train of thoughts to integrate a sidekick/nemesis system :


    You meet your future sidekick on a mission. He is a newbie and completly neutral (not hero or villain) but inspired by you and would like to follow you in your adventures.


    With arc stories involving him, you lead him to the path of goodness or corruption (just like tip missions).


    option 1 : you push him to far in the opposite direction. That will lead to an arc story with a morale clash and he himself becomes your nemesis.


    option 2 : he is aligned with you. He will be defeated or killed and then becomes possessed by an evil being that will make him your nemesis.


    And since he knows your weaknesses, he will hire goons with appropriate means to deal with you.

    That would lead to the equivalent of Quantum NPCs but specificaly for you.

    Since the mecanism exists, it should not be that complicated to put them into random missions (like for Kheldians).


    And further arc stories can take place after that.

  2. Sure, the concept of a Nemesis is good.


    In the meanwhile, a storyline of missions build with AE can do the job.

    Here is an idea :

    - the player can design a nemesis for his toon

    - an architect can design a mission with a placeholder for the nemesis


    That way, you can have an interesting storyline made by a player with your arch enemy.


    You can even have an 'evil' double placeholder (evil as 'of the other morale faction') if that does not already exists since there are a bunch of missions with just that in the game.

  3. Back to DFB disturbing LFG channel.


    I see a few polite players using /broadcast instead of /lfg.

    However, if i'm not mistaken, broadcast channel is covering an instance, not a map (ie broadcast in Atlas Park 1 will not be seen in Atlas Park 2)

    Is it possible to create a channel map wide ? It may be more beneficial (for all purpose) than broadcast.

    It is not a perfect solution for DFB calls but players willing to do that trial will be encouraged to come to Atlas Park.


    And maybe another wish.

    Would there be a possibility to automaticaly add the faction of the player's toon when using LFG channel ?

    Like a [H] or [V] or [R] for example ? It may help players to sort out LFG and LFM calls and TF proposals.

  4. Mission contact NPC : Praetor Tilman


    Problem : I cannot complete the mission


    Symptoms :

    - mission objective is not complete

    - no mission marker on map

    - interacting with mission entrance says to complete your current mission first

    - no marker to get back to contact when selected

    - no option to forcibly complete the mission when calling the contact



  5. When you copy a selection from the chat that have accents or other typographical enhancements (be it in the input box or read box), the paste option will result in an string with escaped characters.


    The problem is with the copy function since a paste outside of the game gives the same result.

    A copy from outside of the game then paste inside will work juste fine.


    Annnnd...I cannot give you an real example since the forum will reject a post with any kind of accent.


    Of course, I mainly use english characters to chat in the game but I happen to meet fellow players speaking my native tongue from time to time.

    I would say a low priority bug for the game but maybe annoying for the forum (even if it may be more comforting for moderators to be sure only english is used  ;))


    Tested on Reunion (EU)




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