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Posts posted by Zeppelin13

  1. Hi everyone! I was playing last night and i got booted out.. i thought there was a patch or maintenance  so i went to sleep and today when i try to play, tequila launcher will start, then once completed it closes, so i tried another link and it worked, i was able to see city of heroes loading, then it goes to the screen, but then it just closes on its own, it doesnt even get to the part where i put in my log in...



    can anyone help me?  and a huge thank u if u can, i love this game :(

  2. hi i started playing the game everything was great, then all of a sudden i got booted out last night, i thought there was a patch or something.. but now when i start my tequila program, once its done loading it just closes on its own.. can anyone help me? i cant play the game anymore :(

  3. first off AMAZING job guys and thank u so much for letting us play this again :)  ... now i was playing last night and it logged me off, so i thought there was an update of some sort.. today when i try and log in to tequilla ... it loads but then just closes :(  i cant launch the game anymore.. i tried running it as administrator however it still doesnt work... can anyone help?

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