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Posts posted by Nagoth

  1. Thanks but no thanks. I'm not going to submit myself to the "opinions" of some "committee" and I am pretty sure everyone in my SG will agree with that. Every time we've seen these things in games, people wanting to be shot callers for everyone on the server, it never ends well. Typically ending with an elitist clique that wants to lord power over others. I saw this when I played on Virtue as well. I'll RP with you guys and I always try to be nice to everyone, even people I don't agree with. Hell I am a man of faith, and I have friends of all different faiths. I even had someone who I was friends with in a faith that directly opposed mine. That said, my SG and I are going to stick to our own channels. Not that we are snobs or anything, but this is something I am VERY uncomfortable with. It's way outside my comfort zone. I've just seen this end badly way too many times and it's unfair for ANYONE to think that another player should be beholden to them "just because". Server admins are one thing as they are the authority, but... other players are a huge no no. If you see me around don't hesitate to say hello, or hell even ask me for help if you want or need it. Our group of RP'ers are pretty friendly and like I said we try to love everyone. This just isn't something that I would ever commit too.


    There's always a threat of things like this turning into a clique, but I honestly don't feel that's the case currently. The RP and OOC channels aren't a power grab or attempt to control anyone's writing, the code of conduct was written with input from channel members who - in many cases - had never met before.


    I didn't know VileTerror until I joined the channel and yet my opinion was heard, respected and added to the discussion. At the end of the day that's all the code of conduct really is, a discussion on how to be civil while leaving everyone enough room to explore their characters.


    If I see anything sketchy I'll be among the first to speak out but I'm hopeful right now as things have been good.

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