Looking into this a little further and I think my issue might not be related to others but possibly. For me I can get to the live servers with the Island Rum install but I'm seeing an Auth Error when I try to connect someplace else.
I see 164 bytes passed to the Auth service, and the console shows that the client is connected. Then it hangs on "Auth:Waiting for protocol version..." Then fails. I don't know what they changed in the authentication processes but it has prevented me from using any other servers at this point. If others could add the -console option to their launcher that would help track down if it's a common problem.
Would be great to know what changed and if it can be reverted. I have a feeling that if I reinstall Island Rum it'll just pull down the same bits and I'll still be in the same situation. I know this is a community thing now and I'm really thankful for everything that has been done, but it stinks a little that changes were made to the bits that prevent other connections. If it's just my install, any clue on how to go about further troubleshooting would be awesome.
Any help would be great.