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Posts posted by nExipnos

  1. 15 hours ago, AmrasNotHere said:


    Honestly in its current state, Storm cell kinda slows down the flow of combat *shrug*


    I tested a Storm Blast character and definitely found it to be a slog. I spent the majority of my testing faceplanted because of how slow and...just off...the whole thing felt. I was expecting Storm Cell to be a significant change to the powers or at the very least amp them up. I've placed that character on the backburner now and most likely won't be looking at Storm Blast anytime soon again.


    Edit for clarification: This was a level 50 with full enhancement sets. Sentinel. I originally thought it might have been my secondary powerset, but I don't believe that was the issue.

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  2. 1 minute ago, Cobalt Arachne said:

    If suggesting to a new player that a Blaster is a better pick than a Defender on teams for somebody who wants to be play Ranged Damage (which is an objective fact) is "forcing a particular plastyle" then there's not much room for discussion.

    That's not us changing the game, that's just literally how the game works.


    It's a rather odd take on the goal of trying to better passively educate players that certain ATs are better choices for specific team roles.



    I appreciate wanting to educate players. I would never argue that's a bad thing. This just doesn't seem to do that or at the very least, doesn't seem to do that effectively. Throw in that it no longer really has any value (of course this is debatable because...well...badges) to veteran players, I hope you can at least see my point. The playstyle the game asks you about lists multiple AT's under multiple types and using this for your example while ignoring the exact same classifications or categories already in the game, you're literally adding to the confusion.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Cobalt Arachne said:

    We're not, and many are looking at this the wrong way.

    Also worth noting, as it's something many people are getting wrong in this discussion:

    • Your chosen playstyle is not the same thing as your role on a team.

    Because the game does allow you to play anti-meta, with a Defender who's specced into a taunt and fights only in melee, but that is choosing a playstyle.
    That does not make it your Defender's role on the team to tank enemy aggro.

    If I invite a Tanker to my team completely blind without looking at their powersets at all, what should I expect them to be contributing to my team?
    My answer would be that the expectation is that they are going to be the ones first into enemy groups and tanking their aggro alpha.

    If the Tanker instead sits at the back of the team using only ranged attacks and never taunting, they're choosing a playstyle that does not suit their Archetype, which is allowed, but it does not mean their Tank is fulfilling the role of Ranged Damage.

    In-fact, by doing so they're contributing very little to their team, so even if it's technically allowed within the game, it's not behavior we are going to promote.


    With all due respect, objectively, perhaps we're not the ones looking at this the "wrong way"?


    The game was pushed in the direction of "playstyle" and rightfully so. It made the game so much better without relying on the "Holy Trinity". It was so that people didn't have to worry too much about which AT was actually on the team. If the goal is to move back to that box, then that is the issue with this change. It does that only half-heartedly by removing the reward.


    I think ultimately, this has no clear purpose and seems to be something shoe-horned in. With the Aether reward it at least held substance. Now it just comes off as a failed attempt at a band aid. Still not clear one why the attempt to put everyone back into that box is happening, even with your scenario above, you are now directly forcing a particular playstyle. Seems to go against the grain of the game.


    That is my feedback for this.


    Edit: I just saw your addition to your post. That provides a bit more clarity on the decision. I can't say it changes my mind much, but it at least adds more context to the decision.

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  4. Personally not a fan of this change. The goal appears to be an attempt to make AT's important, even though the game pushes strongly in the opposite direction. Add to that it feels like there was a vocal minority clamoring for the removal of the Aether reward and we come to this current iteration, which I find to be a half-baked solution to a problem that doesn't even really exist. My teams tend to be pretty diverse, even without trying most times. I let people play whatever they feel like playing and find most people end up diversifying on their own terms without the need to push it.


    That being said, I also haven't really found it difficult to find teams to do pretty much all content in the game. So I'm still not clear on the point of this whole thing overall, let alone the removal of a reward outside of a badge. A badge that doesn't really offer much to me and doesn't result in an Accolade or any other reward. Seems like wasted time/development.


    I guess a different way to phrase this is, Why are we trying to shove everyone back into a cookie cutter mold of AT's when the game and the devs originally broadened this archaic view in order to allow for more flexibility? 

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  5. The video drivers are a late 2009 version apparently, and the company (Intel) stopped supporting it at that time.


    2009 drivers should still be sufficient for the game.  Ideas on how to workaround?

    Is your mate trying to run the game on onboard video? That might be a problem.


    I'll find out, but I don't think so.


    If you're using "Intel" in the name of the graphics drivers, it's most definitely integrated. Your friend is going to need a dedicated GPU.

  6. I am having trouble getting into the server, been trying for ever 30 minutes. After I created my character I press "next" and it says "Map Failed to start. The server is busy, please try again later."


    That usually happens if you spend too much time in the character creator ;) Save your progress if you're in there too long. Save your costume and power customization. Then just relog and apply them in seconds.

  7. Quick question - we can see and interact with NPC's and other players? (still downloading through Tequila)


    This is literally the game as it was, with a few new things thrown in. Essentially it's being called i25 :)


    YeeHaaa, fantastic....


    Welcome home :)

  8. Quick question - we can see and interact with NPC's and other players? (still downloading through Tequila)


    This is literally the game as it was, with a few new things thrown in. Essentially it's being called i25 :)

  9. Is there any way we can break out some more categories here on the forums? I know you all are busy so it would definitely be time permitting.


    Some suggestions to start with:



    Technical Assistance



    Just to name a few.

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