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  1. Thanks again, everyone. (Sorry that I missed the earlier replies.) I'll be rolling up a Battle Axe/Energy Scrapper shortly!
  2. Thank you for chiming in, Yomo. Given the state of the meta, do you think Energy or Fire would be more useful at end game content? EDIT: Thank you also to Sancerre and Renatos1023. For some reason when I originally wrote this I did not see your responses.
  3. Hi Heroes, Like many of you, I am recently returned to Homecoming and am looking forward to trying out a lot of the changes since I last played. One of the ones I'm most interested in is the revamped Battle Axe set. I'm currently torn between pairing it with Energy or Fire. Can anyone share their thoughts as to which secondary goes best with it?
  4. Thank you both for your advice. Bio Armor doesn't work for my concept but Invuln is within the realm of possibility so I will have to look into that in more detail. If Regen and WP are similar in survivability, my preference is to try Regen since it's slightly more interesting to play compared to WP's set it and forget it style. I mostly just want to avoid picking a set that lags behind in the protection department.
  5. Hi Sents! Can anyone share their experiences with how Regen and Willpower compare to each other, specifically with Sentinels? I understand the basics (pure regen/absorb vs layered protection) but from a practical standpoint, which is more survivable? Do the clicks in Regen make it tougher or weaker than WP's multi-layered approach? How good is Regen's absorb anyway? Thanks!
  6. Thank you @Obus Form. This is very helpful. The stone pebbles are definitely a selling point!
  7. Thanks Nemu. Stone sounds like a better (but harder) way to go but is it easier to generate fury with Electric's additional AoE potential? Is /Dark's damage aura good for generating Fury?
  8. No opinions or advice from anyone? Are they both terrible choices?
  9. Hi Brutes! I have a concept that I'd like to turn into reality as a Brute. Conceptually, Elec/Dark and Stone/Dark could both work but I could use some of your advice with the differences between them. Does one set synergize better than the other? How do the primaries compare damage-wise, both single target and AoE? Which works best before IO sets and after, etc.? Basically anything you can tell me about them. Thanks!
  10. Thanks to everyone for the ongoing conversation. It seems most people are recommending Dark/Storm and have provided a lot of advice about that so I will give it a shot!
  11. Wow! Thank you for such a detailed comparison. This is amazingly helpful.
  12. Thank you to everyone for the discussion. I've noticed that most of it is Dark/Storm related with much less about Dark/Dark. Is Dark/Storm just a superior mix of primary and secondary? Is Dark/Dark better for support roles?
  13. Is O2 Burst handy for topping off your pets' health? Or are they not affected by it?
  14. Thank you to everyone adding to this discussion. It seems most of the conversation has been about Dark/Storm, which is somewhat surprising because when I browsed the Controller forum I found a lot more posts about Dark/Dark than Dark/Storm, so that has been extra helpful. A few questions: Does the lack of a self-heal hurt /Storm? Does going/Storm require a more offensive playstyle than /Dark? Which secondary is better for teams vs. solo? In what circumstances would you rather have a Dark/Dark on your team and when would you rather have a Dark/Storm? Thanks again everyone!
  15. Thank you for your advice. Is Dark/Dark overkill in the defense department? And lacking offense?
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