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  1. For example, is there a schedule posted for weekly TFs? Other items like that? Where am I not looking...
  2. I've finally hit 35 and would like to get into Cimerora. How do you start the arc to get into it and/or pass up the arc all together?
  3. Like everyone else, it's been years since playing and I'm trying to figure something out. I don't recall if the optional extra power tray used to come up after shifting forms. I don't seem to recall that being a default. But, I could be wrong. I also notice that you can't swap the order of the powers for those forms in the default power tray that pops up. Any way to swap those, move those, or even disable? I had a particular way of ordering things before but can't seem to replicate it. Thanks in advance.
  4. The Maria Jenkins arc has plenty of good options. Rinse and repeat any of the Battle Maiden/Warrior missions. If you want to farm lots of werewolves or Council/5th Column, it has that too.
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