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Posts posted by Docmetal

  1. When I try to run the 64-bit version I get a pop up stating the MSVCP140.dll and the VCRUNTIME140.dll are not there. It says a reinstall of the game may fix it does that mean I have to delete the game folder and redownload it or is there another way to fix the issue? The regular Justin server works fine as does the game it is just when I try to start up the 64-bit version do I have this issue.  Any help would be appreciated

  2. Being rather new to trying to figure out how to optimize a controller build I was wondering if someone could help me with a build for a plant/kin controller. I see a lot of builds with kinetics in them but mostly with fire I have been trying to plan one on Pines but never seems to get anywhere probably just me trying too hard to figure it out. Thank you in advance

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