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  1. Was looking at ideas for a Stalker, and I kept coming back to Energy/Energy, but when looking at some builds, they do not work with the Homecoming Issue 28 version of Mids, and when trying to attempt to build recovery, it refuses to load half the abilities and enhancements. Does anyone have a version that I could use? I am trying to look at being able to most solo, due to that just being my luck. So any help would be greatly appreciated
  2. Thanks for you advice Sanguinesun. As for your last line there, it was just me and him in the group because he typically runs solo and just saw me on at like 3am. At the time I didnt ask him anything specific about his build due to me focusing on my MasterMind, but was thinking about making a character that would help with my small group of friends of Missions and TFs. Hyperstrike, this looks awesome. Although I do not know how to use mids by way of slotting enhancments and how to optimally do them, the stats, from what I can read, look fantastic. Thank you for your help with this
  3. I am looking to try to build a brute that is build for END Game content. Not a fire farmer. Saw someone smashing through missions with this and thought it was cool. Anyone have any build path ideas? I suck at trying to do mids Thank you!
  4. Hello TwoZeroFoxTrot, Thank you so much for taking the time to do this! This is awesome!
  5. Got this to level 50 and thought it was a cool concept for a tanker. Hoping to see if anyone could help make a MIDS for this. Also, using Energy Mastery for that juicy Physical Perfection skill. Looking at trying to do Missions/ Task Forces and all other End Game content. Staying away from AE Farming for this character If anyone has some ideas to help out, that would be great!
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