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Posts posted by littlelilyflower

  1. 25 minutes ago, Without_Pause said:

    Weird, that doesn't show Health or Stamina slotting.


    You don't need to three slot Hasten. Two level 50 Recharges boosted to +5 works.

    There are no Reactive Defenses: Scaling Resist, Shield Wall: 5% Resist, nor Steadfast Protection: 3% Def.


    I don't see any KB protection.


    I would skip on Hover/Fly and go with SJ for travel and use that extra pick and some other changes in powers to grab Tough/Weave as that will be a bigger boon in making the build sturdy versus adding things in like Hover which offers lesser Def numbers.


    Def soft cap is 45%. Harder to get for Res based builds, but you primarily want it high in S/L. Note, Firery Armor has no DDR, so if something debuffs Def, that Def goes away. Scrapper cap for Resist is 75%. You absolutely want it higher than 57%. I can get a Def based armor to 65% S/L Resist.


    I didn't know enhancements could be further boosted! ^^; I can skip over Flying and just use SJ, I only got flying for Hover/Evasive Maneuvers, not really knowing what was the better choices - I also just forgot to slot something into health since I only have it at 1 slot, weird about Stamina, I slotted in Power Transfer there. I do also have Reactive Defense: Scaling REsist, it's in Guarded Spin

    Is there away to get some DDR? Also KB protection (Mids says I have exactly 1 KB protection lol)? I am unsure what powers or sets I'd want to use to get some of that ^^.


    Sadly my defenses went down by like 10% across the board for removing hover/evasive maneuvers, but most my resistences went up, S/L sitting at 75% now. I had to take out burn, as well, just so I could get in Tough/Weaving, but I am not really hurting for AOE I suppose. I slotted in Shield Wall and Steadfast Protection, as well.


  2. https://mids.app/build/preview/jkjzsoWSMJo.htm

    I basically tried to use fiery aura to make everything hit harder, since from my understanding that Staff Fighting was on the weaker end for ST damage. But I've no idea if like, the numbers are good enough (Like what stats to try to actually cap out or what defenses to get to whatever %.). I have perma hasten and about 20 second down time on Fiery Embrace.

  3. Hello, I'm a new player-ish. I don't have much experience with making builds, and was wanting to make a Staff Fighter. I can't decide what defense power to pick, I was trying to decide between Fire Armor, Electric armor, or Radiation (Energy would be more thematic). I am currently leading towards Fire Armor though due to Fiery Embrace, so I can stack more damage onto my attacks.  But other than that, I am lost when it comes to planning out an actual build that wont just frustrate me into the ground. Is there any advice I could get or build help? Thank you~!

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