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Posts posted by KillaD915

  1. I don’t see the naming policy as a bad thing at all. Get it to 21 and you only have to log it in once a year. Any good DFB team takes about 15 minutes to complete it, and with double experience, it will only take you 5 runs to hit 21. An hour and a half of time for a character you plan to play is not too much to ask. On the other side of that argument, “But I want to stay a lowbie for RP reasons or to play with my friends!” I can only say that you should probably be playing or role playing more than once every 30 days or you’ll fall way behind.


    ...or I don't want to farm a specific trial on every character over and over to 21. Not everyone wants to rush to 21. Some people like to play through the missions. Apparently, though, we don't count anymore because "you can get there in an hour, it's no big deal", or "how can you be attached to a character name you only play once a year?" is the only way you're allowed to play the game now. I rarely actually lose my temper but this policy has me so pissed I've had to rewrite this post half a dozen times because I can't express my opinion of this within the forums rules. It seems like they are catering to the "I couldn't get Hero Man as a name so there's no good names left! Wahhhhhh!" crowd. But, whatever, I get the message, don't make alts, just play one character to 50 and if you get bored only being allowed to play that way go do something else.


    so your solution is to cater to "dont take the name on a character ill rarely or never end up playing! wahhhh!" Sorry i dont think you or anyone else can justify that. Lets be completely honest. if you want to argue that its that time consuming to get to level 21, how in the world are people going to have time to play the thousands of characters with desirable names?

  2. people are really that concerned about a characters name they might play a few times throughout the year, or even worse "eventually."


    can you really make an argument against someone who will invest in it? i personally would much rather play with Statesman 5 times throughout the week than xx57atesman11xx while someones logging in as Statesman twice a year to RP in atlas. sorry not sorry.


    As for multi-boxing, well, I've never multi-boxed, and I figure anything that might have been useful to do with it like exchanging items could easily be done via the email system. Folks are free to tell me why multi-boxing is useful, but all I know is I'm glad I don't have to worry about the rules surrounding it.


    i know on the live servers multi-boxing was often used for leveling alts for many, a good portion of who were more concerned with PvP characters. However this was before many of the quality of life improvements that have come up over time. its hardly necessary between early options like DFB, the ease of difficulty changes, and of course options for double XP. That being said if someone would rather farm for influence, recipes, etc. on their 50 and level an alt a the same time its still viable.


    i know some look at this as an "exploit" but in reality you're doing much more work than if you just sit in another persons farm. not to mention, back when you were paying for 2 accounts, who was to say how you should use them together?


    outside of farming having an emp on follow with heal other on auto (and occasional buffs), you can make a pretty mean duo alone. equip one of them with teleport and this can also make badge collecting much quicker.

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