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  1. I respect your reply. The executable is fine. The connection is not.
  2. That is indeed where I downloaded it from.
  3. You are scanning the file. not the connection it makes. If you observe the picture I included (not being toxic) the Tequila was redirected from its original connection point. Thank you for your response.
  4. Hey all just a PSA. I posted this message as a response to the installation guide under announcements as well. When I executed "tequila.exe," I was informed of a virus/malware install called "EK-Trickbot-malspam." This particular threat is very dangerous. You can learn more about "Trickbot" here. https://www.cisecurity.org/white-papers/security-primer-trickbot/ Traditional Trickbot infections steal financial information. "TrickBot is a modular banking trojan that targets user financial information and acts as a dropper for other malware. It uses man-in-the-browser attacks to steal financial information, such as login credentials for online banking sessions. The malware authors are continuously releasing new modules and versions of TrickBot." Please exercise caution until this is explained or rectified. Regards, Paw
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