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Posts posted by betaflex1

  1. Feedback: The proc system, being based on PPM, created an unusual circumstance that's turned staple for performance teams in PvE and PvP. Normally, when a power is enhanced, it should always be improved in some way, shape, or form. One of those methods is enhancing recharge, since it makes X power more readily available. The proc system as it is, on the other hand, turns enhancement/alpha-based recharged from a boon to a detriment because they negatively impact proc rate. With damage procs doing significant damage, especially when piled on top of each other, procs become a core source of damage instead of bonus damage tacked on to the power's actual damage (ideally the power, itself, should be the core source of damage).

    As mentioned, this applies to Alpha Incarnate as well, since Alpha's bonuses are applied similarly to enhancements, making Spiritual and Agility highly not recommended due to interfering with proc rates. Similarly, Alpha Incarnate also allows reaching 90+% damage on a power (via Musculature Core/Radial or Intuition Radial) just by using a mix of 2 Nucleolus Exposure Hami-Os (ACC/DAM) and/or +5 ACC/DAM IOs from various sets, allowing room to dump an arsenal of procs. For pseudo-pet powers (infamously: Burn), it ends up being more desirable to drop nothing but procs instead of even attempting to enhance damage (if need be, a singular 50 +5 Damage IO, as Alpha would cover the rest) because any further enhancement would be considered a waste.

    Also as mentioned, this affects PvP as well since procs are unresistable damage. It does balance the scales a bit since the core sources of damage end up being procs due to the innate resistances provided in a PvP setting, allowing even Defenders to pack a punch. However, it still recreates the issue of making procs more desirable than making powers more readily available (procs > recharge) and also can create a significant balance issue since procs can heavily tilt the favor towards select builds.

    Suggestion: Convert procs from PPM to a flat % chance. Procs, especially unique ones, were designed to be an added bonus to using a power. They weren't designed to overshadow the power, itself, nor overshadow the set effects. With being a flat % chance, this means a proc would provide more benefit over time if the power is used more often, resulting in making recharge a desirable bonus to have because faster firing frequency = more likely to get the proc to land.

    Given, this would heavily impact the current performance meta, since converting from the PPM model to a flat percentage model would heavily devalue proc-bombing a target and also result in a global damage nerf proportionate to the number of procs used and (inversely) enhancement-based recharge. On the other hand, it would definitely provide better long-term value in addressing AT/power set balance since the focus can be taken off of the influence of procs, instead redirecting that focus to the raw performance of powers, both enhanced and not enhanced.

  2. The tooltip for ATTUNED associated with an attuned enhancement reads: "This enhancement's effective level is always the same as the user's. In addition, its effectiveness will increase when the user levels up."

    When putting the sentences together, it makes it sound like an Attuned enhancement will "level up" and stay at the user's actual level. However, it turns out that exemplaring still affects Attuned enhancements, which heavily devalues the purpose of catalyzing and also makes the tooltip sound misleading on what ATTUNED does. Yes, catalysts are still recommended for making Superior Winter/ATO sets and prevent fracturing set bonuses for IO sets that are neither PvP nor Purple, but there ends up being little point to using catalyzed IOs since they're just as much impacted by exemplaring as their non-catalyzed counterparts (barring the set bonuses thing). They're great for using to level up if there's a build in mind and wanting to fluidly transition into the build, but then comes the issue of having to pull them later to get an uncatalyzed version to use Boosters on.

    Why not have the Attuned enhancements lock in effectiveness based on the char's actual level so that exemplaring does not affect attuned enhancement effectiveness? It would be much more faithful to the tooltip text and give a greater purpose to catalyzing. After all, IOs can either be catalyzed or boosted (not both), and once done it cannot be undone outside of using unslotters or a respec to remove the enhancements, sell them on the AH, and rebuy them or recraft them.

    If there's a balance issue involved in that, then the tooltip should definitely clarify about the impact of exemplaring, something like: "NOTE: attuned enhancements will still have effectiveness reduced when exemplaring or malefactoring to a lower level."

  3. Do you like to host events, but have squatters that plop themselves where they're told not to be and refuse to listen? This is the suggestion for you!
    As the title of the thread states: there should be a command or functionality to forcibly kick people out of an SG's base that they're not a part of. Can't really set standards if guests can disrespect the host SG with no consequences, and changing the base password every time makes it tougher for SGs that emphasize making events that are open to the community. Would be easier to just kick people out of the SG base.

    A way that this can be achieved:
    If <SG member> has <rank> and <rank> has permission:
    --Display <kick button> to <member> when selecting <character>

    <Kick button>
    --executes command to force <character> to exit SG base
    --permission required: user must be <rank>
    --restriction: cannot kick <SG member>

    (Given, coding is always a challenge in itself, but this would be a brainstorm on one method to set up the functionality to kick people out of SG bases)

  4. 8 hours ago, Trickshooter said:

    I don't know about the +Range, because I honestly didn't know that was a thing on Blaster snipes. If I had to guess, maybe it was originally added as a way to improve snipes, and now it's unnecessary so it was removed? Either a bug or a missing patch note, I guess.


    Regarding Fast/Slow snipe, you're misunderstanding the patch notes, I think. If you've been out of combat for 8 seconds, your snipe will be the higher-damage slow version; if you've been in combat in the last 8 seconds, your snipe will be the lower-damage fast version. +ToHit now just increases the base damage of the fast version. The Experienced Marksman proc makes it so that your snipe will always be the fast version, even out of combat.

    I definitely read the patch notes about the new snipe mechanics regarding in-combat/out-of-combat. I just tested Ranged Shot in RWZ, without using the Experienced Marksman proc, and after initiating combat I was still watching Ranged Shot fire off as a fast snipe rather than reverting to slow snipe. It should've reverted to slow snipe after I initiated combat, but that wasn't the case.

  5. Blaster build: Archery/Ninja

    I gave the new Snipe design (for Archery: Ranged Shot) a test run around Peregrine Island (near Portal Corps) for foes that can actually survive my Blaster's hits. After testing on multiple Circle of Thorns, utilizing my Hold on LTs to provide a stationary target: Ranged Shot no longer gives its range boost. Also, is always fast-snipe, contrary to requiring Experienced Marksman's 'proc' to make it fast-snipe.

    Prior to today's patch: Ranged Shot gave a damage boost and a very significant range boost when it successfully hits. Also, could not be fast-snipe without +22% ToHit bonus.


    Based on the patch notes, the range bonus from using Ranged Shot should still work and the fast-snipe should require the new Experienced Marksman proc for fast-sniping in combat. However, field testing shows this is not the case.

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