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About MadVyking

  • Birthday 10/08/1968

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  1. Schedule change update
  2. Edited Wednesday schedule
  3. Want to thank all who helped make Dawncon's first year on Excelsior a success
  4. Schedule for Dawncon Thursday 3 pm DJ Malycia Ta'Kar on CO 6 pm Thunderstruck on FFXIV 9 pm Urlik on LOTRO 7pm Monty Haul "Paragon Squares" on COH in Monty's Base Friday 7pm Bunny night dance night with Mad Vyking and Alto 7-9 from CO and COH in Peregrine Island Arena Saturday 5pm Tricky Raven on COH in Peregrine Island Arena 8pm Coconut on CO with possible special Dawnmination 11pm Jester on CO and COH in peregrine Island Arena Sunday 11 am Taste like Chicken on STO 3pm Hot wings from CO 6pm Fritz from ? 9pm Techzaz at Hell's Demonic Legion Base 1pm Leveling team on https://www.twitch.tv/tricky_raven12 keep eye for more interview notices
  5. im back. Dawncon coming up and interviews of guests for it will be on https://www.twitch.tv/madvyk with this Thursday being Filk singer, musician and performer Eben Brooks. More to come
  6. Schedule edit.
  7. Changed locations for Coconut Tuesday show
  8. Special show Sunday April 28 for the 20th anniversary of coh 9pm Eastern at various locations. Why various? That's a lot of game to cover 😛
  9. Last known has been off the gaming area for some time along with Doomie. Have seen Shwan, gridiron and a couple of others.
  10. Added new show on Tuesday
  11. Another benefit.... If game goes down and a DJ is on, we can tell you when the game returns
  12. In talks about expanding to other servers....opinions are welcome
  13. Question for those who know. Should I put the days for Dawncon in the player based events section?
  14. Our first of our usual events of the year is about to begin. March madness mayhem. It's where our listeners pick 64 songs to be nominated for deletion. So for those who say we play what we think is good.... nope. All these songs come from my request shows. During March , our listeners vote in brackets in the style of the NCAA tourney brackets. They choose out of each bracket which song is worse. The songs then advance from 64 to 32 to 16 to 8 to 4 to 2. The final song gets deleted from my Playlist and the automusic. Join the fun and either vote or cheer for the song you want gone. I can if people are interested post the brackets and the succeeding ones here if interested.
  15. Getting guests for Dawncon. Can see them on Facebook link in this forum
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