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Posts posted by KittyEater88

  1. My $.02: Seismic Blast has so much potential but just falls too short due to the limiting nature of the sets mechanics, and a few powers heavily weighing the set back. While I understand not every set is Fire/Ice, these two are so far ahead that it is hard to not be a bit resentful of the ways many of us work to find creative ways to make underutilized sets like Seismic a fun experience. Even the mechanical and balance issues aside, Seismic has such a wonderful theme that I would expect to see it played more commonly in-game...but it's just not. On the contrary, when I do see someone in a group with this set I honestly pray they will not use the problem power. This is not a post to tear down devs, it is a post from a player who cares enough about the work that has been done to keep us coming back. Seismic really doesn't need much to make slingin' rocks more fun.


    Rebalance Seismic Shockwaves

    As the video above shows, this secondary effect is really weird sometimes and as such, I completely ignore the knockback effect. Next, you have the build/spend nature of the set. If you are not on the ground, you do not earn SS stacks. If you accidentally leave the ground, you do not gain stacks, or expend them. Example being some streets where there a little curb, or a dip on the floor of a cave map, or maybe you have Super Speed/Speed Boost and slingshot unintentionally. This is super frustrating to play around because the grounded requirement takes away many movement choices. I'd be okay with that if the restrictions weren't so heavy handed. You already need about 5 attacks, all of which must be from within the set, to build up to Enhanced Stalagmite. Skipping over terrain by accident or chasing a runner that lept over an object out of line of sight is immersion breaking and makes me want to kil skulz.



    This in every way is a worse version of Power Burst. It is slower and has a longer cooldown but does the same damage. Our good ol' boy Bitter Ice Blast does more damage with just one more second CD and does it almost a second faster. Will Domination is also comparable and recently buffed, so serves as an example that folks are listening and open to some changes. Entomb in it's current state is a skip, leaving Tombstone as your bread & butter, while you stay grounded and play the build SS game to use Stalagmite.


    Rebalance Seismic Force:

    An Aim power that you have to either cheese by jumping to not waste your SS stacks, or just not use. This one is odd to me because Seismic is not the only Build/Spend powerset out there but is the only one that has negative consequences of your power choices. Water Blast's Tidal Forces is a better example of this, as well as Titan Weapons Build Momentum. Both of these sets encourage you to continue 'building and spending'. I should not be punished for using this power, nor should I have to leave the ground to avoid a penalty, which defeats the purpose of the theme and design of the set. I don't need a cooldown reduction, just either grant me stacks of SS or prevent Seismic Force from consuming stacks.


    Rebalance Meteor:

    This is the one that makes me leave teams. As it stands, the knockback effect is such a detriment that I have had to bail on Task Forces because mobs were plastered through the wall on a kill all and that ended our run. Yes, Nova and other powers can also do this but Meteor practically guarantees my session with that group is going to be frustrating. Additionally, Metor is so hard to pull off. If you have the abilities and coordination to keep mobs in the landing area long enough to hit them, it is equally likely they are already defeated. Ever had one of those CoT Bosses cast this and you've already moved on and almost forgotten you were almost in danger? This power in it's current state will always be skipped because it is a liability and not practical to use.

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