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  1. Exactly! You can't give up a grudge just because it's 23 years out of date and the result of a minor irritation from years earlier. Where would that leave us? Forgiving NCSoft?! Updated to add: A Macro editor that can be used to create a Macro or command and copy it to the clipboard. "Warcraft" style switched turn and strafe as a predefined import. Save All and Close All menu items. - Jock Tamson, Who is humming Douglas Adams "Share and Enjoy" jingle to himself.
  2. Hello! I've been getting my CoH community fix from Facebook. I hope folks here have been keeping the Defender community arrogant and self opinionated for me. - Jock Tamson, Who loves your signature.
  3. I've been thinking I should add a Macro editor. Just needs a field for the name and a copy to clipboard button on the bind editor UI. build.py in the top folder is a PyInstaller build script. It should all work on Mac I think. Thanks for checking it out. - Jock Tamson, Who has a grudge against Macs for not doing different things when he clicks with his right finger.
  4. Could I trick you into attempting to make import/export files for these with my little toy? I will pay you in cheap meaningless kudos.
  5. I put this in the General forum because I am lazy and inobservant and didn't notice this option. It more properly belongs here... As a born Defender, I have come to attempt to buff your heroes. Here for your amusement is my "Learning Python Project" that became my "Coronavirus Project" and has now reached a stage of completion where I am ready to have people who are not my immediate friends kick, poke, and ridicule it: https://github.com/Jock-Tamson/JocksKeystoneEditor/tree/master/dist That link should take you to an exe that will run on Windows. The GitHub site contains all my Python code. It's an editor for CoH keybind files with an included command reference, import and export features, and a tree view for files liked together by bind_load_file. There are walkthroughs in the help menu written in my "endearing" and "unique" style. It may be particularly useful for Masterminds as the binds from the Mastermind forums are in an included import file that can be used to quickly add them to a toon. If nothing else it can help you make your battle cry precisely the right shade of salmon. I could really use a better picture of the Brick "Keystone" if there is a generous artist in the house. If it's useful, help me fix what's broke or missing and I may nervously roll the version to 1.0.0 and pull -dev off. - Jock Tamson, Who writes things for City of Heroes
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  6. Updated to have the list controls appear on focus rather than mouse over so it is less twitchy. - Jock Tamson, Who probably should have posted this to the tools forum
  7. That'll be the inserts, delete, and move for the list management. Maybe some kind of lag on the mouse over event. It seemed too busy and confusing when I showed all of them. Thank you for trying it out! - Jock Tamson, Who can also be a bit jumpy.
  8. As a born Defender, I have come to attempt to buff your heroes. Here for your amusement is my "Learning Python Project" that became my "Coronavirus Project" and has now reached a stage of completion where I am ready to have people who are not my immediate friends kick, poke, and ridicule it: https://github.com/Jock-Tamson/JocksKeystoneEditor/tree/master/dist That link should take you to an exe that will run on Windows. The GitHub site contains all my Python code. It's an editor for CoH keybind files with an included command reference, import and export features, and a tree view for files liked together by bind_load_file. There are walkthroughs in the help menu written in my "endearing" and "unique" style. It may be particularly useful for Masterminds as the binds from the Mastermind forums are in an included import file that can be used to quickly add them to a toon. If nothing else it can help you make your battle cry precisely the right shade of salmon. I could really use a better picture of the Brick "Keystone" if there is a generous artist in the house. If it's useful, help me fix what's broke or missing and I may nervously roll the version to 1.0.0 and pull -dev off. - Jock Tamson, Who writes things for City of Heroes.
  9. I came here to do this and find it to be unnecessary They say you cannot go home again. You might take that to mean that once you leave a home it is lost to you forever, but that is not true. You can return to a place, but you will not be the person who left, you will always return changed. If you are lucky, if you are very lucky, you will come back and find there not just familiar places haunted by ghosts, but friends with whom to reminisce and create new stories. You cannot go home again, as it will have changed as will you, but you can build a fire in a cold hearth and dust off old comfortable chairs. Perhaps you can build a new home. If not you can leave with a warm heart and a promise that we must meet like this again. It's time to write a resurrection story. - Jock Tamson, Torchbearer.
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