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Posts posted by TWillard

  1. I've been running a TW/Fire Brute for  a while and want to increase her killing power. I don't use her for fire farming, mostly rolling with my 5 member thick supergroup. (Wow, huge numbers on that roll call, right?)


    She's only 23rd level right now, and a lot of fun to play, but I kinda want to get her killing time on better.


    I know there's been a lot of changes to the game in the last 2 years since I logged in last, so I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me. She's cash short, so no fancy IO tricks up front (maybe later).


    I'd appreciate any advice anyone feels up to putting out.

  2. It's the whole package.


    You *FEEL* powerful. 8 enemies your level and you're half dead? No problem, pop an inspiration and charge. Other MMO's, you better have a team with a dedicated healer to take those guys on. The powersets feel like they've got Oomph, there's plenty of variety, and being able to color your powers makes a difference in how powerful you feel.


    The UI is MASSIVELY customizable. Color, window size, text size, position, opacity, the whole nine yards.


    None of this "7 powers max on the bar" bullshit.


    Your powers you got in the beginning of the game still matter at level 50. "PEW PEW PEW WHAM!" is your buildup.


    The QoL stuff.


    I have yet to see an MMO that lets a ton of different people of all different levels all effectively play together. That sidekick system really blows other games out of the water.


    Enemies don't feel like reskinned stuff. And the groups stay, just have better stuff, all the way up.


    No "gear dependent" shit. You don't have to worry about not having the latest raid gear, and no arguing over who should have got that drop.


    Your looks aren't overlaid by your gear.


    I don't know, it's the whole package. Where other games just slavishly copied the main MMO's, CoX feels like it went its own way and discovered something good.

  3. Rikti Monkeys.


    There was something just hilarious about being in certain zones and accidentally landing in a huge mob of Rikti Monkeys, which immediately hit you with psionics and paralyzed you.


    And then like 50 monkeys stomped you into the ground and jumped up and down on your body.


    Other than that, I love the Devouring Earth. True test of how good you are with your targeting, area observation, and power mastery.

  4. I'd like to send my thanks to the Dev team, Leandro, and everyone else involved in getting this up and running.


    My wife and three daughters loved City of Heroes, and when it went down they (and me) tried every MMO that came along, but none of them really did the trick.


    Now that it's back, we've been making our old characters again, restarting the Supergroup, and running the missions.


    It's nice to be back.


    And funny hearing my daughter discuss what powerset is best and what IO's to slot.


    Thanks again.



    IE: Skrunchie is back. Running down the street with her rocket hammer screaming "CANDY CANDY CANDY CANDY!" at the top of her lungs.


    Also back is:



    Tachyon Hammer

    Male Mantid

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