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Everything posted by Glorious

  1. I did some quick testing on an unoptimized ice/marine Corruptor, by running a Citadel and Aeon. Some initial thoughts: Looks and sounds great It feels like a fresh and nice mix between cold and nature I love Power of the Depths and Brine As always, I wish burnout had a bigger impact >:| It's fun to zip around with Whitecap, but certain foes (like the Golden Roller etc.) can be hard to target and you get a "target blocked" message Here's a short clip of me failing to activate Whitecap against the Golden Roller (target blocked). I did manage to do it a couple of times, so I guess it might be possible with better positioning on my part etc. https://webm.red/view/iJfs.webm
  2. It's time to let go of your scrub mentality. Perhaps git gud instead.
  3. Released and deleted: Primordial Sun Fimbulette Firepetal Irunobi Ms. Fusion Quantifire Radhat Vector Four Eisburn Tidal Arrow Electric Note Nullpointer Light Alight Alright Flamewind Wrath of Karen Pain of Salvation Vectorizer Excifist Techtania Hellbrew Flambarrow Lad and the Wind Ms. Hellgale Psychic Sun Amplipyre Ruler of Ruins pugger Sonic Boomerino Darude Radstorm Dread Nerd Presage Pain Paul Allen's Blaster Accident of Birth Scathe of Aquarius Gates of Urizen Pinglet Burning Butcher
  4. The other link doesn't work for me either, but this one does: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/events/27-weekly-strike-targets/?view=month Edit: Only for WSTs tho
  5. You only need to free Infernia and Glacia. 1. Find and free Infernia, which will spawn Glacia somewhere on the map. 2. Find and free Glacia, which will spawn the boss Dra'Gon. 3. Defeat Dra'Gon. Sometimes the mish will fail if Infernia and/or Glacia is killed (I think), but that's pretty rare and doesn't really matter. Edit: I jumped on test to record the mission, if that makes it clearer:
  6. I ran a 1-life Aeon SF to test my shoddily built Storm Blast/FM blaster against a bunch of annoying bosses, EBs and AVs. Final thoughts: - Direct Strike is glorious! - It's very fun once everything is set up properly and the procs start going off - The lack of a proper nuke makes it hard(er) to play aggressively - Will probably feel slow on most teams - Looks like it might suit Corruptors better than Blasters
  7. Late to the party, but I jumped on test today and made a Storm Blast/Fire Manip blaster. Soloed two Citadels and a Manticore at +0/x6 with a subpar build I made without Mids. Right now I'm pretty happy with the set. The min/maxer in me is pretty whelmed, but that might change once Mids is updated. However, the set is super fun to play (which is the most important part IMO). I don't think I'll grow tired of smiting foes with Direct Strike. 😄 I recorded my second Citadel run, if anyone's interested in how Storm Blast might look in regular, easy content. Disclaimer: Bad audio in mission two, bad build and plenty of bad decisions lol.
  8. This is getting weird asf. 😄 I have questions: Is calling a spade a spade the same as calling for nerfs and/or telling people not to do it? Who are these people who "roar the terrible roars, gnash their terrible teeth..." etc.? Has the melodrama peaked or is Sanguinesun just getting started?
  9. I did some pylon testing with an Electrical Affinity/Sonic Attack defender. Same build on Brainstorm and Live. Incarnate stuff: - Alpha: Agility Core Paragon - Interface: Degenerative Radial Flawless Interface - Judgement: Slotted but unused - Destiny: Barrier Core - Lore: Banished Pantheon Core Superior Ally (summoned) - Hybrid: Assault Radial Embodiment (slotted but not toggled) =-------------- Live: 01:29.00 - 89s 01:22.60 - 82.6s 01:17.73 - 77.73s 01:31.91 - 91.91s (Had to heal a pet because of the dropship) Avg: 01:25.31 - 85.31s =-------------- Brainstorm: 01:21.11 - 81.11s 01:15.94 - 75.94s 01:06.06 - 66.06s 01:02.78 - 62.78s Avg: 01:11.47 - 71.47s (Fuck Mids paper tigers, it's all about DPA, baby!) =-------------- I have another build on Brainstorm that is even faster. Siren's Song is amazing now. My first attempt was without Lore pets, but that took too long lol. Perhaps someone with a better suited build (cold, kin, poison, storm etc.) could do some testing. There's a pretty big difference between the slowest and fastest time on Brainstorm. Maybe I got better (doubt it) or there's some Lore shenanigans at work. I don't really do pylon testing. =-------------- Edit: I felt bad about the 01:31 time on live, so I ran one more. New numbers below:
  10. This read like a nerf to me, so I decided to remake my Elec/Sonic defender on Brainstorm. After visiting the walls in Cimerora I definitely agree with Crasical; chaining the cones together is smooth as butter and a joy. The set definitely plays and feels better with the reduced animations and cooldowns. Whether it's a nerf or not I can't say, but it's now much more fun to play IMO. Edit: Trick Arrow/Sonic Attack is fun!
  11. I think a lot of EU players have migrated from Reunion to Excelsior (me included). Definitely worth it in my opinion, if you like to team and participate in end-game content.
  12. I finally decided to stop lurking and to test my main (all-arounder Ice/Cold corruptor), which is mainly specced for +recharge and +def. Ice/Cold Corruptor: Alpha: Agility Core Interface: Degenerative Radial Judgement: Cryonic Destiny: Clarion Lore: Banished Pantheon Hybrid: Assault Core Results: ~2:50: Inactive hybrid, degen IF, no judgement. ~2:41: Active hybrid, degen IF, no judgement ~1:01: Active hybrid, judgement and lore used. Could definitely be better if specced properly, but I was pleasantly surprised tbh.
  13. What the hell is even going on in this thread? OP: Hey, why don't we meet up and play some redside con- Others: Redschide content? Nooo, I hate redschide! OP: Well, maybe this isn't for you. I'm just trying to gather a few- Others: Nooo, you can't forche me! I refusche! Here'sch fifty paragraphsch of me telling you why I refusche! I think a "Be Bad Week" sounds great, OP. A week every month, where we (*gasp* no, not you! Heavens, no! We -- the sometimes -- redside players) put some extra effort into forming teams and events redside instead of blue. Unfortunately, I play during EU-times, but I'm still willing to do my part.
  14. In case you missed the post by SuperPlyx (surprisingly buried beneath the unending shitposts from the usual suspects): Check out the ourodev-wiki. If you have a fairly modern PC, you should be able to run a small server by yourself.
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