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Posts posted by SashaFire

  1. Thank you so much for the fast reply. I will be looking at your resolution guide in a few moments now that I have figured out why I was not getting in properly.


    I was trying to use the "Score application"  instead of running as Tequila.  Thankfully my brain finally caught up and all is better now :)

  2. Hello all. 

        I just started playing this game again yesterday as soon as I found out that it was released.  Yesterday I downloaded the game and it worked perfectly (other that the screen does not stretch to full screen)  but after I shut my computer down for the night and tried to log in today it keeps opening to show the Loading bar across my screen, flashes the CoH screen for about 2 seconds then closes again.  Is there anyway to fix this other than reinstalling the entire file again?

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