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Tax E

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Everything posted by Tax E

  1. I have a bots/kin MM and I use repel as my "bowling for baddies" power while my bots protect me in body guard mode. I didn't have a KDtoKB proc in it and I have been booted. SO, I compromised, I put a KDtoKB in it as to not annoy other players. Problem solved. Maybe a little bit of compromise on the OPs part would be kind. I know when in a TF, I cannot rush off to Null to change the option (unless that was changed)... either way. We can compromise and still have a blast! 😄
  2. My Fiery Aura/Dark Melee Tanker... I can solo, PL, team, exemplar... almost anything... I know my limits and Lord Recluse... *curse you* haha OH, and why? Cause he's sexy AF. 😄
  3. I'm more a Fire and Dark combo myself. But hey this looks like a fun thing to do. 😄
  4. This is absolutely fantastic news. As a Streamer of this game I would like to advise any fellow Streamers to check your settings when you stream. Pay attention to Subscriber VOD only. This could potentially violate the free access that is being discussed. If you are not streaming and you played CoH, your VOD will not be accessible if you have that setting on. Check your Twitch settings, or whatever other streaming platform you are using to ensure your VODs are freely accessible. Follower Only chat doesn't affect this. Subscriber only chat doesn't affect this. Happy Streaming!! I for one give 2 huge thumbs up for this news. So proud of the HC team and everyone's patience. ❤️ -Tax
  5. Well that's unfortunate. I found it rather easy to solo a Dr. Aeon, which is still new content for most folks. It all depends on what you are solo'ing with? As for 'real players' - (pinches self) - no clue what you mean there.
  6. You can use merits however you want. You can use the AH absolutely. The point was to avoid the AE building because you weren't supposed to farm anything. But as said by many already, it'll vary from person to person. You don't have to stream it. When Chainz (Mijurai from Twitch) made up the rules (yeah he'll blame me too for some of them since we discussed it a lot), we turned off email so we didn't accept anything from anyone. Turned off gifts from anyone. Whatever dropped from you earning you used. If you could earn merits and buy recipes and utilize the AH, then by all means do so. Any kind of "farming" was avoided. But it's all how you wanna challenge yourself.
  7. Sort the list by Name, not online status and it won't jump like that. 200 is the limit as I have hit it and had to purge duplicate and triplicate accounts from friends to make room for new folks. I think 300 would be a nice increase but I think any higher and there could be issues with people disappearing from the list. It happened on live sometimes where people just disappeared from global lists.
  8. Hey Albion!!! Anyone can easily head over to Twitch and check out the category for City of Heroes and know when there is anyone streaming the game. I'll even provide a wonderful quick link! If you have a Twitch account simply follow the category for easier access. City of Heroes Category at Twitch As TraumaTrainRich already mentioned there are more than a dozen of us that stream the game regularly. You can follow any one of us to know when we go live. I keep hearing that...but I don't buy it. I realize my thoughts aren't necessarily typical, but what kind of person goes to YouTube and searches for video games to watch? That just seems really, really strange. Or any other site for that matter? Buy it or not. When people come to my stream and say "Wow the game is back?" or "Where can I go to download this game?", then I have accomplished what I've set out to do. As for what kind of person goes to YouTube or Twitch and searches for gaming footage or even live showing of the game, I'd think it would be obvious what kind of person they are; someone who has interest. Those are the people that keep those platforms going. The viewership. That's okay too. Not everyone is interested in this venue of showcasing the game. That's the joy of scrolling on by but let's hope that some aren't deterred from scrolling by and are interested. Some of us showcased Page 3 when it was released just a month ago. Some of us even had donations set up for charity to coincide with the release. We were bringing in people who hadn't known the game was back and brought some people back to the game. So I know I care and it's okay that this person didn't care. Streaming isn't for everyone, nor is watching a stream or a video. But the fact remains there are people out there that are not aware of it's existence or even it's return. There are people that even don't know how to do certain things in the game and as streamers or content creators, we have an opportunity to help the community and show them. Follow us or don't. Watch us or don't. The choice is yours. As is my choice to stream. 🙂
  9. All that hard work is now about to be paid off... *sighs deeply and logs into main badger* Thanks for the update and all that you fine folks are doing behind the scenes!!
  10. I tried to swipe right, left, up and down. No power activated. Soooo disappointed.
  11. LFG Queue - Story Arcs Who Will Die? Part 1/7 [Alastor] Level requirement says 10 to 120 (I wanna be max level now) Should be lvl 10 to 20
  12. My only badger obtaining the badges naturally. Those last 10 will just have to come as they will. 1540 on Tax E Boy. 😄
  13. If you have the permissions from the SG to base edit, then you simply enter the base and click the Edit Base from a box that is on your screen at the entrance. If you have one of those bases where the entrance was moved, you can type /editbase 1 (to edit the base). Then go nuts!!!!
  14. Fiery Aura/Dark Melee Tanker. I will always have fun with that. So much so, I have 3 different builds on him. 🙂
  15. You may have to use its full switch name. /auctionhouse, try with or without the /. Not at my computer to confirm. /macro AH "auctionhouse" Edit... clearly my phone Rickrolled me and I saw only the OP post.... duh. You got your answer. Now time for me to drown my phone. Lmao
  16. Oh my, Mijurai has been busy, so I can field this question. Apologies it has take awhile to get back to you on this. Been busy, work, etc. The Auction system can be "abused" as much as you are knowledgeable about it. There's an excellent video from one of the Ironman themselves. Dahle has a video on YouTube explaining in detail on how we used the AH to gain what we needed to fund our toons. You can view it here: The idea was a starter of sorts for those of us that streamed the game on Twitch or YouTube. Now not everyone is comfortable streaming so obviously that is your call and you don't HAVE to. You do what is comfortable for yourself. But those who wanted to up their challenge (especially with talking to viewers and being distracted by that can be 'fun'.) I've died 7 times and some were to distractions and just silliness. But the idea of level once per stream was, if you are streaming, you have to gain at least 1 level. Again, it was just to ensure people were actually attempting the challenge. We have had a few people not broadcast at all and got to 50. They gave detailed information on their levelling process. Again, if they were not telling the truth, they would be only cheating themselves out of a challenging experience. It's pretty loose on the entire deal but Mijurai wanted to have some rules in place as a starter and if you wanted to add your own challenges for yourself (like turning off inspirations entirely; yes someone did that), the choices and options are endless. Hope that cleared up some confusion! Best of luck!! 🙂
  17. I've been doing it for quite awhile til I rolled a 2nd one. But I would stick with my main Fiery Aura/Dark Melee Tanker. He's just too fun to play anything else. But I wanted to play an Ice/Spines, so I rolled that. But let's get back to gloating about my main. He can farm, TF, do trials and even tho some enemies are just silly to go up against, I won't back down from them. I know my limits but I'll keep trying and have too much fun with him. I rarely farm now, but when someone needs a tank, I won't hesitate to hop on him and be the meat shield. I just like the animations of Dark Melee and his backstory has sentimental value to me. I actually play this toon in homage to my brother. So that's good enough for me to keep playing him. 😄
  18. BUT BUT... I can't pick just one of my many blasters!!!!! The horror!!!! How could you?!?! Fine... I choose my Fire/Fire Blaster. YEAH! BURN IT ALL DOWN!!!!!!
  19. Definitely have from time to time. Some I remember and others I say screw it and wing it. Sadly, I don't know all of Praetoria so when I got wasted by that one "thing" for lack of a better term, cured thing, I had bumped the difficulty and set to solo Bosses. LUL
  20. It's great to see the updates on those who are not necessarily on the same server as the majority of us. I love reading the updates, keep 'em coming! I am currently on #6 - LOL with the current limits on the ATs, that leaves me with only 5 more ones that I would want to try. So just for fun, I thought I would give you all an update on my characters that died and if you wanna see their deaths, feel free to check the links out. LOL (and pardon my language in some of them). The first character I made was a DP/Ninjitsu Blaster, he was killed to a Goldbricker: Zephyrs Hired Lackey. At least, this was totally unexpected and I really made myself laugh at how I reacted to his death. My second character was a Widow, she really should have just left the bank when she had the chance. Instead, I got cocky and tried to just back off. Yeah DoT will get ya every time. My third character was probably my favourite at that point, an Energy Melee/Regen Stalker. I should have never upped the difficulty. AND with respites in my tray!!!! My fourth character was a Defender, Trick Arrow/Fire Blast and I really was enjoying her. Of course like a dummy, I didn't bring the inspirations I needed and again was cocky. Sigh... at least I died to myself... I was "kicking my ass, do ya mind". LOL And finally, my fifth character who I thought was just a silly joke but I was enjoying it, a MM - Demon Summoning/Dark Miasma. Someone suggested I only take the T3 pet, so of course, I went with it. It was doing well and I even faired very nicely against an Elite Boss (Veles) early that night. But alas, I was distracted in answering some questions and died to my own stupidity and DoT. LOL! Take a look. So where am I at now? I'm on my 6th character... a Corruptor, Assault Rifle/Storm Summoning. I have high hopes! I really do. Will he survive? Have I learned enough from my previous mistakes? Time will tell and I'll post another update after the next few deaths. Hope you enjoyed it and again, I apologize for the cursing in the video. It just happens ya know. 😄
  21. Already on character #3 - LMFAO!!! First died to a Goldbricker, second died in a mayhem mission to DoT. I am making an attempt to take ATs and sets I have never done. So this is fun. You can't take it seriously at all cause you just might get frustrated and angry. 😛 (quiet Mijarui, I know what you are gonna say next) Cheers to everyone who has started and I've watched stream. Ya'll are being very careful!!!! 😄
  22. Looks like a lot of fun. I have done these in the past but I am gonna give this one a go. 🙂
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