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Posts posted by Torentsa

  1. Can anyone else confirm that there are three missing explore badges in Faultline?


    Apex Badge, Faultless Mystic, and Newsman/woman badges.  I can not seem to find them at the locations I think they're supposed to be.  Double checked on the wiki as well.

    Wondering if they're bugged out or if I'm just going crazy! 🙂

  2. Ok, I just had the exact same problem.  It redownloaded the game and worked fine again.  Though it was playing it from the new download because none of my costumes and such were in the tailor in game.  What I did was go back in and uncheck the "use default path" option then went in and selected the old directory where my game was.  Lastly clicking the small disc like icon in the bottom right corner of the path screen.  It seems to have fixed it right back up and everything is working great.  Hope this helps!

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  3. I woke up this morning and am having the same issue with CoH not loading through island rum anymore.  Windows didn't do any update and Rum was working fine last night.  I saw it do a quick update when I first booted it this morning, now it doesn't work.  As stated above, Island Rum loads fine but can't seem to launch CoH.  Any thoughts?

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