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Posts posted by mrudat

  1. 3 hours ago, macskull said:

    The game doesn't track where you log out from, it tracks where you log in. If you log out in the SG base, you'll log back in in Cimerora so you'll get day job credit for Cimeroran Citizen. You will not get credit for Monitor Duty since that requires you to be at a base portal (and the summoned ones would certainly despawn by the time you logged back in).

    I wonder, do you get Monitor Duty credit if, wherever you happen to log in is next to a summoned base portal? 😃




    On the subject of cooldown time; would it be feasible/reasonable to have (some of?) the various long-range travel powers (sg portal/lrtp/...?) be recharged on mission completion? That way, you can return to base at the end of every mission, which would satisfy at least one use-case for the long range travel powers.



    On the other hand, you could approach things from a different direction; why are you returning to base between missions; could we perhaps have a power to summon a:

    • field trainer - levelling
    • armoured car - depositing things in your bank; sticking stuff into the inventories of various base objects I suspect would be somewhat nontrivial.
    • vendor of some sort - selling vendor trash, possibly buying some stuff
    • there's already a power for summoning a crafting bench
    • ...?

    Is it simply a matter of going to your base between certain missions that have you bouncing all over paragon city, and taking advantage of the teleporters instead of trying to remember how to get there from here (or having to fly/jump/run to the closest public transport)?



    I believe that there used to be a sufficient amount of data collected during the operation of the game that data mining could be conducted to see what (on average) has people going back to base for the most often, though I suspect that's been pared back to require slightly less massive servers to run everything on.



    At least for heroes, it's thematic to have a bunch of police waiting outside the mission door for you to come out so that they can take the prisoners away, so it's not entirely unreasonable to have NPCs spawn at the end of a mission.


    For villains, presumably you could have henchmen loitering outside the mission to help carry home the loot.

  2. I'd be inclined to want to boost the usefulness of TOs and DOs so they aren't just vendor trash.


    Perhaps something like instead of DOs turning red at -4, have them turn red at -7, and TOs, instead of turning red at -4, have them turn red at -10, with the bonus slowly trending towards zero, rather than cutting off.


    You get the tradeoff of less maximum enhancement, but you don't have to upgrade everything all at once in order to not suddenly have your performance drop off.


    Ideally you end up with around the same amount of influence consumed 0-50, but instead of having one or two SOs at-level, and many red (because you aren't maximising merits -> inf), you end up with a smaller, but relatively constant, enhancement.


    Possibly more effective total influence consumed, because you would only vendor enhancement you can't actually use, and actually slot the rest, where at the moment, TOs and DOs are vendor trash, and thus add influence to the system, rather than being consumed.


    You'd probably use the SOs that drop in whichever power you decide to 6-slot first, given that they're not as common at low level, but you want to maximise the benefit you get out of them.

  3. I think it would look nicer if the entire background of the box for a version was used to represent install state, rather than having a distinct progress bar.


    Something like:

    • A completely grey background for not installed
    • The currently selected version is highlighted/filled in green (the orange looks a little strange as a highlight to me).
    • A non-selected version is filled with dark blue.
    • An out of date version is perhaps partially filled (missing the top 20%), or perhaps diagonally striped (which gets replaced with a fully filled progress bar as the download progresses).



    Given that there's a empty spot on the UI in the bottom-left corner, and it does not look like it is possible to resize the window (what if someone has a small monitor?), perhaps a 'Play/Install/Upgrade' (the currently selected version) button could go there?

  4. It would be nifty if there was also a silent option, and/or also an option to have a caption, rather than a sound, ie. "Biff", "Bam", "Pow", "Freem", etc. or perhaps a user-supplied caption (with mandatory application of the profanity filter).


    Edit: earlier thread for the same topic; perhaps the threads should be merged?


  5. I figure for the non-human minions, being able to pallet-swap as a first cut would be pretty awesome already.


    I'd prefer full character customisation for minions, and yes, that opens things up for abuse, but people who would abuse that are also likely to have been banned for not playing well with others already, I suspect.




    Perhaps one way to do it is to 'donate' costume slots to your minions, so that the player can use the regular costume editor, and then on power customisation, say that this minion uses that costume slot. It'd work well with commandos/ninjas at least; sergeant (player) + private (minion), lieutenant (player) + (sergeant + 2 x private), captain (player) + (lieutenant + 2 x sergeant + 3 x private), for example.


    Alternatively, don't have an in-game editor at all, but rather allow importing a saved costume for a minion's appearance?


    I suspect that you'd need to have a pool of possible costumes for each tier, rather than having just the one costumes. Thugs, for example, changes shirt and hair style/colour when you summon thugs, and it would make sense for that to also be the case for the other human minions; you could go with just one costume for a set of clones (or a very strict dress code), or an exact number of costumes for the case of summoning exactly the same minions repeatedly, or a pool of costumes for where it's n minions pulled out of a set of possible minions.


    That would get up to a significant amount of data to be stored for the one set of powers, though.




    There might be issues with why there's a 50-character limit for zones if full costumes can be used for minions (including auras and capes), in the sense that a 50-character limit puts an upper bound on how much your graphics card will be made to cry. I suspect that banning capes and auras from minions wouldn't be unreasonable, or perhaps just having an option to turn custom minions off to reduce graphics load, probably defaulting to on if you have any of the "please be kind to my graphics card" options enabled.

  6. Perhaps a note on the plaque saying that Galaxy Girl's statue was restored and moved to its current location, perhaps as the first of a number of statues to be moved from Galaxy City to other zones?


    Alternatively perhaps a second plaque, as part of a lore series on the ongoing rebuilding efforts?


    The street light placement relative to the statue isn't ideal, either, but I don't think that there's a variant that's better than what's already there?

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  7. Just to check; the upgrade enhancement button buys and replaces, not upgrades, enhancements, so it's potentially cheaper to buy and upgrade enhancements yourself, if your enhancements are only somewhat out of date?


    Is it feasible to have it buy and combine enhancements instead? Even a 5% chance means probably one or two enhancements ending up +1 level.

  8. Could the summon portal powers be made to:

    • Refresh the duration of an existing nearby portal, rather than moving it?
    • Require clearance around the portal, similar to the base entrance? (Haven't installed the beta client yet to see if that's already a thing)
    • Perhaps summon a door, if targeting a wall? Perhaps a choice of transportation object for portal appearance in future; helicopter, truck, taxi, teleport pad, ...

    Perhaps for long range teleport have it unlock account wide if at least two characters have the accolade?


    Edit: could it be changed so that the P2W and day job powers share an activation icon? If you have a day job charge left, you get the fast recharge, but you only consume a charge if you use the power again within that time? It would have the same effect as having both powers in your tray, but only using the day job version if the P2W is on recharge. I think there's more than just these powers that have such a possible relationship.


    Edit: moved to other thread: For fold space, could it be changed so that if targetting a team-mate (or pet?) nearby enemies (to you) get teleported into melee range of them? "Hey go bug <Tank>, not me!"

  9. At the moment to kick-start the economy, the best that can be easily achieved is to add a bunch of stuff to the auction house, but it is tricky to get the right amount of extra stuff.


    What I think would be awesome (not necessarily for Homecoming) would be to have an "Economy in a box"; a new daemon that interacts with the auction house, and effectively pretends to be an economy. This would benefit a private server with only a few players online.


    I don't know what would be the best design (and ideally it would be configurable), but I think something like:


    Perform the following tasks once per hour:


    Put bid requests in for salvage at vendor buy price, so there's a sink for salvage that's not in demand. Record the total amount of salvage bought for later use.


    Consider all bids which are at least the current going rate, or at least the ingredient cost, at the current going rate or twice vendor buy price, whichever is higher, and:

    • create common salvage from thin air
    • create non-common salvage from bought salvage at a rate that varies by rarity (logically, one of the various technology companies built more interesting salvage)
      • for salvage of the same rarity, convert 3 pieces of salvage into 1 piece of salvage in demand
      • for salvage of a higher rarity, convert 3 pieces of salvage into 1 piece of salvage in demand; repeat until we have enough salvage to create the target object


      [*]create craftable objects (IOs, etc.) from bought (or upgraded) salvage with least 10% profit


    I figure that if it's visible to end users, the sellers for the created objects should be randomly (or appropriately?) picked from the various organisations in-game.


    Portal Corp, for example, should be able to supply pretty much any kind of salvage, I believe.



    The end effect should be that the auction house should supply the demand for common salvage as well as a modest demand for less common salvage or crafted items, but shouldn't produce a sufficient volume of stuff so as to drown out crafters.


    Edit: And, more importantly, it should do this with minimal interaction from the GMs.

  10. I have 7 PCs, all of which are capable of running CoH; if I use those rather than running multiple clients on one PC, is that fine?  :)


    Detecting actual multiboxing, as opposed to multiple people using the same internet connection to play (this is indistinguishable as far as the server is concerned, so if you do a blanket ban you will prevent my brother and I from playing at the same time >:() requires GM attention, which could be better spent doing something more productive, such as the GMs getting to play the game themselves.


    Also, if we don't allow multiboxing, that means I will never get to group with Tolltec, TolItec, ToIltec and ToIItec again. :(

    • Haha 1
  11. A thought occurs to me; it would be nifty if we could duplicate the setup in Pocket D (doors that leave to different zones, rather than teleporters).


    I figure that probably the simplest way to have something that looks correct would be to have doors that are teleporters that accept a single beacon connection.


    Possibly you would also want to have invisible beacons if you want to have the doors appear otherwise uninteresting.

  12. It would be useful to have a command to invite an offline character into a supergroup.


    I suspect that there may be a fiddly technical reason why that's difficult to do, and the current workaround is relatively trivial to perform, but it would make life easier for those who want to have a supergroup with only one player in it.


    The current workaround is to either invite someone you trust into your supergroup temporarily, and get them to invite your alts into the supergroup, and then remove their character, or to create a second account just to invite characters in your first account into your supergroup.


    Edit: attempt to change the thread title

  13. To the best of my knowledge (I haven't dug very much into what development work is being done) it looks like 90% of the development effort is going towards fixing bugs with the aim of releasing Issue 2 volume 1, and no one's thinking about new features apart from possibly noting them down an a wishlist somewhere (I don't know that there is a centralised wish list as such).


    That said, given we now have access to the source code, it should be feasible to implement a standalone daemon that interrogates the running shard as you suggest.


    At best, the character data you would need might be sitting in the SQL database (some of it definitely is), but I don't know if everything that CIT had is stored in the tables or not (I only skimmed the DDL files).

  14. It should be possible to build a new daemon that queries the data from the running shard and builds CIT-style pages on the server itself.


    This would in total be more efficient and simpler than making HeroStats work with the updated clients, given that it relies on reading the memory layout of the running client, and that can change every time the client is recompiled.

  15. A fairly comprehensive program for keybinds is CityBinder.


    Also, I've been using the following setup for my DPS characters:

    _import["ComplexBind"] = {}
    _import["ComplexBind"][1] = {}
    _import["ComplexBind"][1][1] = "inspcombine Robust \"Righteous Rage\"$$inspcombine Rugged \"Focused Rage\"$$inspcombine Sturdy Enrage$$inspexecname \"Righteous Rage\"$$inspexecname \"Focused Rage\"$$inspexecname Enrage"
    _import["ComplexBind"][1][2] = "inspcombine \"Phenomenal Luck\" \"Righteous Rage\"$$inspcombine \"Good Luck\" \"Focused Rage\"$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspexecname \"Righteous Rage\"$$inspexecname \"Focused Rage\"$$inspexecname Enrage"
    _import["ComplexBind"][1][3] = "inspcombine Escape \"Righteous Rage\"$$inspcombine Emerge \"Focused Rage\"$$inspcombine \"Break Free\" Enrage$$inspexecname \"Righteous Rage\"$$inspexecname \"Focused Rage\"$$inspexecname Enrage"
    _import["ComplexBind"][1][4] = "inspcombine \"Uncanny Insight\" \"Righteous Rage\"$$inspcombine \"Keen Insight\" \"Focused Rage\"$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspexecname \"Righteous Rage\"$$inspexecname \"Focused Rage\"$$inspexecname Enrage"
    _import["ComplexBind"][1][5] = "inspcombine \"Second Wind\" \"Righteous Rage\"$$inspcombine \"Take a Breather\" \"Focused Rage\"$$inspcombine \"Catch a Breath\" Enrage$$inspexecname \"Righteous Rage\"$$inspexecname \"Focused Rage\"$$inspexecname Enrage"
    _import["ComplexBind"][1][6] = "inspcombine Resurgence \"Righteous Rage\"$$inspcombine \"Dramatic Improvement\" \"Focused Rage\"$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspexecname \"Righteous Rage\"$$inspexecname \"Focused Rage\"$$inspexecname Enrage"
    _import["ComplexBind"][1][7] = "inspcombine Restoration \"Righteous Rage\"$$inspcombine \"Bounce Back\" \"Focused Rage\"$$inspcombine Awaken Enrage$$inspexecname \"Righteous Rage\"$$inspexecname \"Focused Rage\"$$inspexecname Enrage"
    _import["ComplexBind"][1]["bindkey"] = "F1"


    This is a complex bind for CityBinder; every time I press 'F1', it executes one of the binds above in sequence; the end effect is to pop a damage inspiration if available, and if not, to make one from a set of any other kind of inspiration.

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