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Posts posted by Sulhythal

  1. What is everyone's favorite pairing with Plant?  Not just for effectiveness (but that's also fun) but just for sheer entertainment value on top of effectiveness? 


    I have a Plant/Rad I haven't played since I took a break, and am eyeing a new one to add to the garden.


    Currently thinking /Storm, but that's just 'cause I love storm

  2. ...so is someone going to tell me how to use the spec?  Let me guess, it has something to do with the confuse contagion proc?


    Well gunner, again that puts me in a very hard position. Here's what I'll say, play it like an 80s movie ninja, strike some from the shadows, pick your targets carefully, and then when they least expect it, unload on the entire mob. And always make sure you're the only ninja on the team.


    How about posting a build?  so many builds get posted at varying levels of min/max a posted build cannot possibly be interpreted as "telling other people how to play" , it can only be seen as "This is how I play"  any arguments otherwise on their part would just make themselves look silly.


    people can critique or ask for explanations but people do that even with the legendary build crafters.


    if you don't want to share your tactics, that's fine, some of them can probably be inferred from the build.

    • Like 1
  3. Want to know a secret?


    On a good team, no individual player is "needed".  what Sovera has said applies to everyone.  All any one player ever does is speed things up.

    If a team - relies- on any one player to steamroll things then it is not really a well balanced team for the content/difficulty.


    Some players believe that a tank is - required-- for a team.  Others that a defender with specific power sets are.  They're wrong, carrying ideas from other games that don't quite fit here.


    Now, OP, as others have said you are using a control light primary with a purely defensive secondary.  You might well have been the reason the rest of the team was untouchable, pushed their defenses just far enough to the cap.  You might not have, they might have all had billion dollar IO builds.  With FF it's hard to tell sometimes. 

    • Like 5
  4. In most gameplay, Earth works well with anything since it has such good control. I like /Rad also with it, since Earth has -ToHit from Earthquake... stack it with Radiation Infection for flooring just about every mob.


    However, two interesting choices are Thermal and Cold. Either one of these will allow you, if you take the Pet Defense/Resist IOs, to have Stoney tank AVs. And since both of these have -Regen and -Resist, you can actually damage the AV solo. And you don't need to build an expensive character. Which makes this one of the cheapest AV-soloing characters out there, though not especially fast at it. And both builds would be excellent for teaming.


    funnily enough I woke up this morning with a concept for an Earth/cold.  Tundrawalker is level 19 or so far

  5. I know about /Storm, and that /Rad and /Kin goes with everything. 


    Does Earth control have any other notable synergies with any of the other secondaries?  Or is it just such powerful control that the secondary really doesn't matter much?



    I'm gonna interpret being able to solo as being able to deal damage, which... Controllers aren't really known for, Fire/Kins aside.


    Only one minor thing here is that I don't require high damage, High damage would be -nice- but all I really want is more damage than ice control has without kinetics backing it up.  Or something else that makes up for the lower damage.  I do plan on teaming whenever possible which is why damage isn't critical. 


    Thank you for everyone that's responded thus far!


    Yes, I know that "best" is subjective, but I've tried several different controllers and none have really clicked so I thought I'd see what other people might suggest.


    First, a long time ago even on Live I had an Ice/kin I dearly loved, but then I kinda retired him after a nerf to Ice Slick, where it felt like it was doing knockdown about the same as Freezing Rain does now.  In seeing other people use it, it doesn't seem that bad, so I don't know if my memory was faulty or if it's been tweaked since that first nerf.  But I loved being able to completely shut down a spawn with it.


    However, I wouldn't mind something that can deal damage a bit faster and/or doesn't take quite so long to mature.  which I realize is kind of odd to say about controllers. 


    But, things I like:  Being able to completely shut down one, or two(or more!) in an emergency/ambush/accidental pull situation.

    Being able to solo when needed with reasonable speed, though I mainly play defenders so "reasonable speed" would probably look different from someone that mainly plays scrappers, for example.  Being able to add to the team(no brainer, I imagine most controllers have this in the bag by default, but just throwing it in for completion's sake)


    Things I don't want:  Storm.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE storm.  However, I have a Storm Defender, and a Storm Mastermind I'm running right now, and I'm getting tired of managing the End Bar more than the enemies.  However, if the best option is still Storm, feel free to suggest it. 


    Also on the don't want:  Empathy and Pain.  Nothing against those two sets, I just don't enjoy playing them, even at high levels with their amazing buffs. 



    Anyone have thoughts and suggestions?


  8. Since I don't see a general "Archetypes" discussion forum that's not locked to the child boards for the individual AT's


    I have a concept that could fit two or three different AT's and three different powersets, and I am curious what the consensus/numbers are on how those powersets compare to each other and how they perform, if there's a difference, on the different ATs. 


    Martial Arts, Kinetic Melee, and Street Justice all fit the concept and Brute, Scrapper or maaaaybe Tanker all fit as ATs.  So does anyone have any numbers or rules of thumb for how these sets perform?  I know MA and STJ are largely single target, but I don't remember how KinMe ends up at higher levels. 



  9. Ran into a couple Force Fielders in a mission team the other day, one higher level, one lower level.  The lower one asked for advice.  The higher one said that Repulsion Bomb, Force Bubble, etc. were "For the lulz" 


    As a Stormy main, I am also in the Pro KB/KD Camp so I had to speak up and correct this travesty. 


    Pretty sure they didn't believe me though :(

  10. A mix.  I had two RP characters whose stories were not "done"  that have been recreated, though one of them was reimagined game mechanically, different powerset, same source for the powers, because I couldn't stand playing the old ones.


    The other was a massively fun Storm Defender as well as an RP char, and my main after they nerfed Ice Slick for my ice/kin troller ages and ages ago


    Everyone else is mostly new, characters I've come up with in the intervening time, or created once that music hit and the creative juices started boiling.

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