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Everything posted by Stagamantis

  1. Tried your idea out this evening, as I have 400+ converters from random drops on my toon. Soloed two AV portal mission at +4 x 8 to pick up 13 random recipes. Out of the 13, I need to convert 11 as they were selling for less than 300k on the AH. I used 78 converters to convert those 11 into enhancements that were selling somewhere between 4 to 10 million. Probably took around 30 minutes, to make the enhancements, check AH for current pricing and which enhancement out of the set sold for the highest price. The first 3 I convert I got exactly what I was looking for on the first try. 4 through 9, it took at least 3 to 4 tries and one of them I rerolled 6 times. The other three I did the random "out of set" rolls and it took several tries to get descent set and a few more tries to get the highest priced enhancement. Roughly, if everything sales by morning based on current pricing I should make around 70 million give or take. Conclusion: Based on time spent, the cost of converters (if I had to purchase them) and how long it generally take me to clear a random AV portal or radio mission solo. It wasn't worth the effort I had to put into it. Given that I can solo a ton of content at max level, I could of ran three to four PI radio missions or cleared a five mission farm set in AE with time to take a poop and make a sandwich and a guarantee of almost 100 mill in influence, in roughly the same amount of time. Not to include drops. Helpful hint: If your looking to grow your bank account, it's more or less getting on a small team that is crushing out content, one mission after another at +4 x8. Or figuring out at what mission level your toon can solo at and hammer out content as quickly as possible. KEEP IT SIMPLE. If you know the recipe and the enhancements are worthless then dump recipe on the AH for 1 influence and move on. Don't waste your time trying to making it, then listing it on the AH for what you think somebody willing to pay for it. Generally I make the good recipes prior to logging out. if its a set I can use in a Alt toon I drop off at the SG base tables, if not I list it for one influence, take what I get and move on. If I get a purple drop, I make it and I put in the base table, I don't sale it. -This is where those converters come in handy. Changing those to complete set with out spending influence- Salvage: I have 8 racks in the SG base, two for orange, 2 for yellow and 4 for white that are generally pretty full. I sale all my yellow and white salvage as my toon gets full. I don't waste time on the AH, I list everything for 1 influence and move on. Even when I have ton of one particular rare salvage in my base supply, I still list the rare for 1 influence and I press on. I take whatever it instant sale is and jump into my next mission. The bulk of the influence your getting get in game, is from running content. Everything that drops you feel that you can part ways with is just bonus influence. The more you can quickly collect the more you can quickly sale. I logged out this evening with 2.6 billion in influences and that after supply 5 others toons and giving my other two SG members roughly around 750 million to help out their first two 50s to get them start.
  2. I have 7 level 50s. Out of those 7 My 5th toon is the only one fully decked out to include incarnate. I have roughly half the amount of play time on my 5th toon as I do with my first 50 which was my first 50 back in the day. And that guy is about half way decked out. That being said, I have roughly 1.6 billion influence on my farmer. You could add another 600 mill based on the enhancements I bought off the AH to get him slotted with what I wanted. Either way its been descent amount of farming since I discovered what AE building is and does. Generally I build all the purples and orange recipes I need for my characters and few buddies from back in the day, stick them in our enhancement table. On a good week, I've had as many as 10 purples drops (once), but usually average around 5-6 a week since I started these farming shenanigans. Out of that 6 maybe 1 or 2 can be used immediately by another character, the rest we're basically using the converter in hope that roll into the set we are looking for. All 3 of us have 6 50's, a pair that we all play together with, and then side characters we run when we're all not on together. To my knowledge my 5th/7th farming 50 is the only character that is fully atuned or +5 with full incarnate. The last character I leveled to 50, I have completely stop playing just to see how long it would take me to fully farm all its enhancements. I'll start week 4 this week, with this toon getting first dibs on anything I farm, and I have yet to complete any of the 3 purple sets I have choose for the toon, and only 2 of the orange sets. Out of the purple sets, I only have dropped 2 or 3 in each set and the orange sets that are not completed I generally missing the one or two more expensive enhancements I see on AH. This week I logged roughly 14 hours farming and I've dropped 5 purples. Only one that particular character could use. Hope this gives yall some insight from the farming perspective.
  3. Figure this might be some easy upgrades to the options menu. User Interface Window Scale, I'm always having to adjust my interface size depending on what computer or screen I'm playing on. Rather than have sliding bar that jumps from 100% to 148% on my Ultra Wide (makes the it way to big) or if I'm using my laptop trying to scale down it jumps from 148% to 100 to 38%, (extremely small). I just can never seem to hit the in-between numbers I really want to make it look natural with out putting the game on a side monitor or TV making the adjustments, then launching the game on correct screen. I propose adding a box that a "user" can type a numerical value in order to achieve a scale that looks more natural for the size of the screen we individually use. In-game Mouse pointer. (Yes I know, I'm clicker! I'm not in the cool kids club.) Color options for the pointer, (red, green, blue, yellow etc.) and maybe the option to make the pointer glow. If your feeling super crazy in the moment maybe adding some options on choosing a different style of pointer.
  4. Can we get a some type of bookshelf storage rack for recipes for the SG base? I just started my second alt that has nothing but recipes on it for characters that I'm playing. It would be nice to have to be able to setup a few racks in the base to throw recipes in without having to build the enhancement.
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