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Posts posted by Hewhorocks

  1. I have a grav storm troller who is themed as wind control. It actually give me  just about whatever I'd  want for a "wind themed" toon.  Now if I could only get my water blaster to get water spout....

  2. On 2/11/2021 at 5:47 AM, Daemon Creed said:

    I'm not sure how often Seeds of Confusion is up for you,


    Out of the Box Seeds is 60 seconds. So every 16 seconds is easily doable. 

    Vines (AOE HOLD) is of the standard type and sporeburst is comparable to mass hypnotize. 

    Terrify is faster recharge than creepers but the utility is pretty close (and sheer coolness goes to creepers I think.)


    Its just sad to me that the Capstone mind control power seems  outdone by the lvl 8 plant control of the same type (AOE Confuse)

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  3. On 1/7/2021 at 8:16 PM, Daemon Creed said:


    I usually alternate between it and Mass Confusion.

    How much recharge do you have? Can you get Mass confusion anywhere near Seeds of confusion? I've always thought it odd that plant is  better than mind control at confuse effects...

  4. I see that storm kick has 2 different animations one for martial arts and one for the martial blaster secondary. The blaster one is epic looking id love to trade that one for the crippling axe kick animation (which while descriptive is  bleh.)

    As an aside I'd love to have the fighting pool kick have an option to have another animation. The current one breaks my heart. My Katana wielding ninja should be able to pick up something other than the day one front kick from the YMCA self defense class.

  5. The thing with energy melee as it stands is that it doesn't  seem to do anything very well and it doesn't have any synergies that make it perform overall. I suppose I could construct scenarios where the stuns would be better than damage or debuffs but even getting to corner cases with sets where the stun mag could stack I'm left thinking that theres much better ways to achieve a similar result.  Its a shame that when playing an EM toon  I say to myself " should have just done a fist aura on super strength" to not feel so underperforming.

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