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Posts posted by cjnyc49

  1. WOW!!  Thanks for the information! I was under the assumption that since the salvage rack only stored 100 items, not allowing other active racks, the same would be true for enhancements as well. All of this time, I've been going around in a VERY tedious circle swapping out enhancements from characters to storage to auction house and back again, this information will greatly simplify equipping my alts. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!

  2. Many people create their own Super Groups to house multiple alternate characters. Since the game seems to encourage this, I would suggest greatly increasing the amount of storage available in your base. 100 enhancement and salvage storage is very small amount of storage space when you're crafting for several alts and swapping out enhancements. Yes, it's true there is storage at the auction house, but it isn't accessible from a base and it's often very tedious to use for this purpose.

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