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Magpie Mouse

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Posts posted by Magpie Mouse

  1. you can always be T1T4N or Titan420 or xXxTITANxXx or Titan1111 or Titan.


    I'm sure you'll still feel cool and awesome.



    While having names be tied to a global account would help alleviate the really convoluted measures you have to go to to get a character name late in a server's life, it will never happen in CoX cause nerds here have this weird pathological attachment to their characters.

  2. that because what you remember from Live is no longer the case.


    Rage was supposed to apply a -20% defense debuff on crash, but due to a bug that Paragon never bothered to fix, cause who cares, whenever you reactivated Rage before the crash, it bypassed the -def portion.


    But in i25 during the shadow server years, Leandro "fixed" that bug so the -def is unavoidable and it HURTS. And the more global recharge you have, the more often Rage will crash and get you killed.


    It especially hurts defense-based defensive sets.


    So Rage has the dubious distinction of being the only power you DON'T want to stack more recharge with, as it will actively screw you over doing so. Which runs counter to how the rest of the game works.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Rage is awful. It's a power that actually forces you to not take global recharge, cause the more you have, the more often Rage will get you killed when it crashes.


    That -def has gotta go.


    Unless the intent is for Super Strength to be very mediocre outside Rage and having to risk getting murked to get actually good at dishing out damage each time you pop Rage.

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  4. It wasn't- this was a "fix" made in i25 by Leandro.


    The second stack removing the -def debuff was a bug that Paragon Studios never fixed.


    Except now, with the -def not being able to be bypassed, the more global recharge you have, the more Rage is an active detriment to you ability to stay alive. Especially in high level content.


    Doubly so with the new proliferated sets adding more defense-based sets to tankers and brutes, this really cripples builds.


    I never understood this fear of Rage being overpowered, because at the point that you get to that level of power, you're in Incarnate/heavy IOs sets and everyone is a walking god at that point anyways. Also, SS being smashing damage, it needs all the damage boosts it can get.

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