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Posts posted by Citadel97501

  1. Hello all, I was wondering how you all feel about the mix of Sonic Blast and EM, I was thinking this might be one of the best cone aoe builds you can make.  While sonic doesn't get a snipe, the powers it does get all seem extraordinarily good for the bonuses from EM, IE Boost Range in particular seems to be great for it?


    I was thinking this might even tag team really well with either Teleport on yourself or on a TP Tanker, summons them all in a giant gaggle and then you hit Boost Range, a Build Up, then Howl, Shockwave (definitely want knockback to knockdown),  Siren Song.  Finish any stragglers with your single targets.  

    If its your Teleport, then you use Boost Range, Build Up, Fold Space, Dreadful Wail, Combat teleport, Howl, Shockwave, Siren Song.  Finish up as needed...

  2. Hello all, I have been playing a lot of Masterminds lately and I was thinking that we could easily have 2 more Mastermind Primaries, and a power customization system added to the pets.  


    I am suggesting a set of Tier 1 Knight like henchman who use the broadsword as their weapon, then your next Tier 2 would be pike wielding henchmen similar to the Staff primary this would be good for its aoe uses and defensive boosts which would be good instead of their weapon damage just getting better, finally your tier 3 would be a larger more powerful henchman with a Titan Weapon, and a Shield.  Basically all of these henchmen would have good defenses due to their parry abilities, pretty good damage, and be very thematic.  


    Another option for tier 2, could be the Battle Axe instead of the polearm.  


    I understand that Masterminds have ranged attacks, for their non-pet primary powers, and I would suggest crossbows using the mechanics of the Circle of Thorns.  

    Sound based attacks, probably using the air intake costume piece on the helmets, with the roar animation or just use the standard sonic attacks from Sonic Assault.  Tier 1, Shriek (SA), Upgrade gives it Strident Echo (SA), last upgrade Howl (Sonic Blast).  Tier 2, Shockwave (SA), upgrade Scream, final upgrade is Screech (Sonic Blast), Tier 3, Deafening Wave, Upgrade Shout, Final Upgrade Dreadful Wail.  

    The non-pet primary powers would of course also be Sonic Based attacks.  Probably Shriek, Howl, & Sirens Song.  Due to the nature of the sonic blast type attacks you would get some Resist debuff and a shorter range than the ranged attacks of Robots.  This primary would probably be easier to implement than the knight idea above.  


    Power Customizations
    I also think it  would be very nice if there were variations of the pet equipment in the power customization menu.  Basically for the knight choose Tech, Dark Ages, or Valkyrie.  Screamers could be Tech, Mutant, or Bio.  Each of these would be easy to do, since there are already costume pieces for these, and it would be very nice to have a test version of that so later on you guys can spread that out to the other MM primaries.  

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  3. Hello all, I would like to request Sentinel to have a variation of the Shield Defense power set as I think it would be a lot of fun.  A Shield Assault set likely focused on Knockback & Disorient would also be a lot of fun for Dominators.  I know that this is a bit difficult due to the number of animations you would need to alter for the Sentinel, but the Dominator one would be a lot easier.  

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