Yes, you read that title right, but no, not the power. If anything I've been pleasantly surprised by how GOOD the set is. No, what I'm mad about is the lack of good costume options for the weapon! Seriously, it desperately needs more weapon models. Now don't get me wrong, I think ALL the weapon based powers could use more models, but Staff is among some of the smallest number for such models (I think the actual smallest is claws, but bear with me). What's more, there really needs to be some more elemental options for these weapon sets. We have decent elemental options for most of the other sets (again, claws could use some elemental models too), but staff is really missing some good ones.
So... why did I get mad about this? I made a Staff/Ice Stalker, and was desperately trying to make the staff look like an extended icicle, and I just couldn't make it work. Honestly, I think it'd be a slam dunk to see some weapons with just a see through ice/crystal look, some with a fire effect tossed on them (even if for the staff the effect is just at the tips like one of those Polynesian fire batons), and even some stoney looking ones for more options. Now... here's the rub. I have ZERO idea if the HC crew have anyone that can do modelling on staff (pun fully intended). I assume they do, since they've made some totally new powersets for us to use, but I don't know if they might just be borrowing things found elsewhere in the game and repurposing them. But I really do hope they've gotten some folks who can do this sort of thing. And I'll admit I'm not asking for a ton of new options, but I really would appreciate a few new weapon models added here or there, if only to bulk up the repertoire we have. Maybe you can borrow bits and bobs from Titan Weapons for staves?
Anyway, thank you for running this place guys. The fact I even WANT more expanded options means I'm actually playing and enjoying the game you saved from the brink. Even without my 'perfect' solution, I'll still be thwacking bad guys over the head with my staff (and other weapons, I have a lot of charas).