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Posts posted by Mr.Hassenpheffer

  1. Would love to see a red balloon. Not sure how to get something like that into the game. Ultimate wish on that would be a /balloon  emote. your character holds onto a small red balloon whilst gently spinning in the air. To quote a famous little honey bear, "I know I don't need it, but, I want it"

  2. Can't do it anymore.

    Capture was deliberately and permanently broken before the release of homecoming.
    there has been extensive troubleshooting to verify this. 
    The only way that capture will work is through the legacy client. (private server)

    Game over folks.

    Maybe in the next life.
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    • Sad 1
  3. On 12/13/2019 at 9:37 AM, ShardWarrior said:

    Very cool!  I wish we could get 3D models printed of our characters


    several hurdles to overcome for that.  


    1: client is no longer compatible with OGLE capture method.


    2: printing funds require a MEGA jump start. 


    3: enough of the player base needs to show dedicated interest.


    4: No more dead end print jobs, I.E.: someone says they want it, then they *disappear* after the job is done and the funds go with them. (yeah. THAT happens)



    • Like 1
  4. On 9/7/2019 at 9:13 AM, Jimmy said:

    Hello everyone!


    Today we have a simple question for everyone: What do you want to see out of a legitimate, licensed City of Heroes server?


    As a caveat, this thread is not a Q&A and we won’t be answering questions here. We’re primarily looking to gather everyone’s thoughts and feedback about what they’d like to see from us going forward - both operationally and for the game itself!


    - The Homecoming Team

    There is a problem with the graphics ...drivers?  ...settings? "somewhere"  that breaks OGLE capture, a thing I would use (the only method I'm aware of) to capture geometry to use for 3D printing characters. It works *only* with the "legacy client" which won't be around forever.  I would like to see a functioning method to capturing geometry restored. 

    Hip square.JPG

    • Thanks 1
  5. Bio, you very eloquently stated a lot of what I feel. For me, the road to 50 is as much fun as the final ding.

    I played from April of 2004 until sunset and STILL have never done it all in the game. There is so much rich and fun content that you miss by speeding through just to have a 50. There are the story arcs that are almost like being in a movie, the tons of 'things' in every new zone and even the npc talk, which can be hilarious. I prefer to immerse myself and feel a part of the big picture, but not everyone feels that way. They just want to get to 50 quickly. I have found that those of us who have taken it slowly have also discovered that this is a wonderful gaming community and thus is more than 'just a game'. I really like that a lot for me. Everyone should be able to play the way that is fun for them, so to me, there's no 'right' or 'wrong' way.


    I luvs my Healix!


    Also, for those not in the know, we have Ouroroborus (Did I sploll that rite?)  where we can revisit any mission arc that we may have missed.


    I do believe they count for the accolades as well.


    My thing usually is to AE it to 50, get my demon farm so I can slot and respec, get my incarnates, then hit oro for desired content. ( I really need to do my Yin arc)


    I can definitely understand and overstand why there is an AE nerf, Some of those farm missions melt the server. Yikes!


    My farm maps were always small for that very reason. Minions, Lt's, bosses.


    Nothing cheaty, nothing fancy, Just a simple farm.

  6. Several ways if you are not into devices. (Targeting drone FTW)


    Keep in mind the formula of: "every little bit helps" So scrape together every little thing that gets you some to-hit.


    For example: I usually take a defensive power, like combat jumping, (doesn't HAVE to be combat jumping) and put the IO:  Kismet bonus to acc,  which is actually a bonus to your to-hit.


    To-hit and accuracy are two different things, so keep THAT in mind.


    The leadership power pool is of course the go to. Six slot that with a decent set or frankenslot variously and you should be able to-hit that bonus easily. (See what I did there?)

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