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  1. I just ran into this problem today. I went explorer badge hunting on a character and the map looks fine. The 'fog of war' has opacity. I made a new character and the 'fog of war' is pitch black. I logged on each of my other characters and the maps look like they should but only on this new character is the 'fog' black. Anyone have any ideas?
  2. AH so slotting KB in KU is ok then?
  3. OMG you are a life saver! Thank you so much for taking the time to explain. As I said I have no experience with sets and this really helps me understand them more and the Set Inspector tip looks like a game changer for me. One question I was under the impression that if a power does knockup or knock down and you slot knockback it was automatically made knockup or down. Is that not correct?
  4. First thank you for all the feed back I so appreciate it. Question how much recharge should be my goal? Right now I have 147% and endrain of 2.91% and endrdx of 2.5% I kept aqua bolt as I was thinking I would use it for debuffing as it is fast to recharge, low end, and ranged. here is what I came up with and I am sure I made lots of mistakes as I have never ever got to play with the IO sets before when I played we only had crafted IOs ans Hami's available that I remember. Putrid Protecor - Defender (Radiation Emission - Water Blast).mxd
  5. OK I reworked the Radiation side but still need to slot the waterblast thank you all your input. Putrid Protecor - Defender (Radiation Emission - Water Blast).mxd
  6. Oh wow, thank you so much I am going to study this and try lingering then I never noticed the regen and concerned I would pull too much agro when grouping. I will repost the build after I tear it down. Any thoughts on the water blast?
  7. I never played with the set IOs and so this was a planner to help me figure out what to take when as I level. I Played way back when the game was subscription and only just returned. So I am once more a noob. So any suggestions in what to take when and what not to take is appreciated. Thanks so much for your feed back so far.
  8. OK I made some adjustments and so any thoughts about this one? Putrid Protecor - Defender (Radiation Emission - Water Blast).mbd
  9. Thanks so much will do
  10. I am level 21 presently and have formed out a mid build but I was wondering if anyone can give some feedback and suggestions on power selection and slotting. Thanks in advance. Putrid Protecor - Defender (Radiation Emission - Water Blast).mbd
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