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  1. Yes, ISP and hops seemed to be my issue. I played over a free VPN and no mapserver disconnected for 4 hours. With no VPN mapserver disconnect at least every 5 minutes. I hope this helps Ravenspath! thanks superheroes for your assistance!
  2. Hi did you ever resolve this issue? I am having the same issues with my G14. I am leaning towards a network issue as I can not hardwire to proof. No difference on 2.4GHz or 5Ghz, router reset. Seems to be happening in the last month? Same laptop in same place played COH fine for a up until consistent errors. Win Def Firewall turned off, (still disconnects). Sometimes I will choose a character (it seemingly loads) and it will bring me back to the COH login screen. Are there game logs? I am not seeing anything in event manager. Any help would be much appreciated! Community Support and Devs thanks for all you do!
  3. Early days on protector! PvP infancy before servers could meet on the test server. Poison Spinner, Petrious (Uber rad/psi) and many others who were great friends. I tried to PvP with a dark/dark defender and everyone was cool even though I was so bad...really cool peeps in this game. Then Justice and Protector battled in arena. Protector had an awesome group of skilled players however our teams were not PvP optimized. We had scrappers, tanks, kinetics, storms, etc. Justice had Johnny Preist and 2 emps following him. I watched as an observer and my mind was blown. I hope my memory serves me right about Justice. Also, first edan trial was the most amazing PvE time I have ever had in a video game.
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