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Posts posted by B0YCE

  1. 2 hours ago, Tellos said:

    I found a build in some other fire farming thread and iterated on it and pushed it to it's limits for just autocasting burn. The ApacheFog achieves ~27.98dps, whereas mine clocks in at ~39.25dps. Both of these calculations are made without Hasten.

    It is not versatile at all and it's end use is pretty tight, but it gets the job done. I don't think it can be improved upon, but I would love to be proven wrong (because hey, then there is a better build for all of us to use)!

    AFK_SpineFireBrute.mxd 5.15 kB · 0 downloads

    thanks for the upload man, ill check it out for sure

  2. On 9/3/2021 at 5:06 AM, Ukase said:

    The truth is - opinions can, and do vary. For good reasons. Some folks have preferences, and the difference between my optimal and someone else's optimal could be 5 seconds clear time difference, or it could be 5 hours. (I afk-farm. If my brute finished faster than an active farmer, I think the active farmer is smoking some pretty bad stuff.) 

    Why use dropbox when you can just post the build directly? Anyways - I looked at it. I suppose I need to know one thing. Is this for an afk build? Do you anticipate doing anything else with this character? 

    ApacheFog - Brute (Spines).mxdYour fire defense is high enough for +4/8, (well, it should be higher. I would sooner use the Unrelenting Fury set than mocking beratement, it will give you more recharge than that taunt set.) Your fire resistance is capped. Just park the darn thing with burn on auto and go play the game on another account. Craft/convert/sell/reset/repeat.  If you find yourself dying, it may be that you need to get the accolades to boost your hp a bit. Seems to make a difference to me on farm brutes I've got that don't have melee hybrid for the regen boost - but that could just be perception bias. 

    I wouldn't take that feeble thing outside the farm though. I hope you get it power-leveled, because playing that thing up to 50 is gonna be super painful. You'll be sorely reliant on consume and ageless. 

    Below is my all-purpose afk farm build. At +4/8, the only scary groups are Banished Pantheons (Ageless doesn't give enough DDR protection), Arachnos, and Malta (cuz, well, sappers) It can clear the 125 map in 2 minutes or so, using a lot of reds. Less than 4 minutes not using any. I am pretty pleased with it. Is it going to out dps a legit true farm brute? No. Not a good one, anyway. But for afk-farming, it's quite fantastic. And it helps me with the first two missions of Moonfire, it easily unlocked Schweinzer in Port Oakes for invader runs. It can solo all the TFC task forces on blue side.  To be fair, any character in game can solo the tfc task forces, tho. But, it makes it sound really good, tho, right? 

    hey, thanks for the help man! i appreciate it for sure

  3. On 9/3/2021 at 12:22 PM, Outrider_01 said:

    Could literally just scroll down to the other 3 threads for spines/fire in 5 seconds

    see the point is, im trying to get critiques on my current enhancements. so your rude comment is unneeded. if i looked at another build and copied it it would have to respec. hope ya have a better day tho bud. lol

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