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Posts posted by Monguire

  1. Hahahaha....AWESOME!


    When I'm not 'playing with myself' in AE/Portal Corp, I'm generally running ITFs/weekly TFs.  I've found that +4/8 kill-most ITFs are the best influ/XP "farms" out there.  Also less tedious than the usual farming. Weekly TF's are great for the extra merits.


    I'm trying not to cheese the VM conversion thing too hard...but it's difficult to resist knowing they are patching it to 30:1 from its current 10:1 in the coming days.  We actually broke the server hard again last night on the last MSR.  Took me about 20 mins to get back in.

  2. Ever the lurker...been back for weeks.  Landed on Excelsior, first order of business, created Lone Warriors SG for me and my MANY alts.  Second order of business, level my farmer.  Level 78-ish and still going.  Flame Mignon is my main these days as I build up my stable.


    - Sentinel King/Sentinel Queen

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