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Posts posted by BladedDingo

  1. The magic bullet you're looking for is the /powexec_location command. Full docs in the Guide.


    I couldn't find the guide but that command was indeed the key.


    This format should work.../macro TAR "powexecname Tar Patch$$powexec_location target Tar Patch"


    Quotes are optional - i love this!


    Thanks all!


    I'm generally loath to use binds because I bounce between alts so much I worry I'll remember what key works what for which character, so I worked on the macro option.


    I found


      /macro LtR powexec_location target Lightning Rod


    works perfectly (no quotes).


    My next goal will be reading up on Shenanigunner's "Macros... now with icons!" thread so I can replace the ugly grey macro button with something more fitting!





    I found the Guide Shenanigunner referenced (I think, at http://www.dgath.com/coh/ ) and with some experimentation found that


      /macro_image ElectricMelee_PBAoETeleport LtR powexec_location target Lightning Rod


    gives me a version of Lightning Rod that executes Lighting Rod onto my currently selected target. It does not however create the targeting circle if I have no target, or if my target is out of range. Haven't figured out if that's possible yet.



    More experimenting, and I've found


      /macro_image ElectricMelee_PBAoETeleport LtR "powexecname Lightning Rod$$powexec_location target Lightning Rod"


    will create a macro that looks like the Lightning Rod icon on my power tray, entitled "LtR" if I right-click on the icon, that executes Lightning Rod on my selected target if I have one, or if I don't have a target selected it creates the default targeting circle!


    The quotes were important though. Without the quotes, the new icon only executes the first command, producing the default targeting circle - no surprise if you're already a macro master I guess, but important to mention for those of us learning I think.


    How did you find the icon to use?

  2. The hidden enclave of the 6th Kingdom.

    Everlasting: raven-3352.



    The 6th Kingdom is an ancient order that guards the world's history. Honoring their patron goddess Mnemosyne, they travel the world seeking knowledge, stories, myths and information. Tracking lost objects of power and hiding them away so that nefarious forces can't use them for their own ends.


    This hidden enclave serves as their main base and holds their vault and library, at the center of which is The Knowledge. And ancient book handed down by their goddess which auto-magially records all written text in the world. The monks and researchers of the order pour over the information from this book seeking magical relics and lore to aid them.


    The Lazurus pit can heal nearly any wound and restore order members health.


    Additional images

  3. I have all of my binds/macros and special information saved on Notepad++ so all I have to do is copy/paste into the chat bar. Here are assorted things that I hope will add to the enjoyment of your gameplay!


    First off, THIS...




    Since the built in font has identical lower case L's and upper case i's, it was sometimes hard for me to tell the difference. This has made it so much better.


    Go to your fonts folder, usually C:\Windows\Fonts or C:\Winnt\Fonts and find the file "tahoma.TTF". Select the font then go to the Edit menu and hit Copy.


    Now go to your game folder, such as C:\Program Files\City of Heroes. In here, go into the folder "data"... if you don't have that folder, make it now. Go into that folder and then create a new folder called "fonts" (without the quotes). Right-Click on that folder and hit Paste.


    Now go into the folder fonts you just made and right click on "tahoma.TTF" and hit rename. Change the name to "mont_demibold" ,without the quotes.


    Now when you launch the game, the default interface font will be replaced with the font tahoma, making it much easier to tell those letters apart. Note that this only applies to the GUI. The text over character heads will not change, that's a bold version of the same font and thus has a different name.


    Is it at all possible to change the color of the chat in the windows? I don't like the default channel colors.

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