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Everything posted by Squidget

  1. Base Code: GARDENS-18790 Base Name: The Cascades/Takiyama Gardens Builder: @Squidget/@Dropout/@Wravis Base Leader: @Squidget Shard: Everlasting Theme: Nature This is as of yet unfinished (for the caverns, at least), but the garden section is ready to be visited - an extension of The Pagoda, this takes you up and out of the caverns and into the caldera of the mountain they're contained within.
  2. This would be a very nice option for a lot of concepts! I'd like to see this as well
  3. I was listed as one of the judges, but IRL issues prevented me from being able to tour many bases at all, let alone weigh in as a judge - so I stepped down from it - I didn't feel right tossing in my votes when I was unable to look at even a portion of the wonderful bases submitted. With that in mind, I don't really think I have to put in words how actually yucky what you just said was - flat-out admitting that you had friends vote for the one you wanted just because "I asked them to and they blindly went along with it" goes against the entire spirit of a base contest. When my base was up for one of these things, there wasn't a single person I linked it to that I didn't say "Please don't vote until you've seen all the bases, and if you like another one more than mine, please vote for that one instead". Turning it into a popularity contest, and even admitting you had -alt accounts- to weigh in on the judging, is so extremely distasteful. I'm hoping that part was some kind of joke.
  4. Time: Any slot on Friday would work fine! Global: @Squidget SG Name: The Pagoda SG Code: GHOST-1471 My discord is Squidget#6560, feel free to message me there too. I swear I'll try to make things brief! I'm terrible at it though!
  5. I mean, if it's that big an issue, and I'll be looked upon with some distaste, I can remove my entry. When I say I "won", I mean I got what's essentially an honorable mention, plus I've made a lot of changes to the base since then, to where it was only about half done last time. That's the only reason I'm entering again.
  6. Global: @Squidget SG: The Pagoda Passcode: GHOST-1471 A luxurious Japanese-styled resort in another dimension, linked to Earth by way of a fog-shrouded path. Attractions and accommodations include the restaurant (used as a "hub" due to only having 10 portals 😞), the karaoke lounge, the cherry blossom pavilion, the chain of floating hot springs, a cavern filled with places to explore, the spacious inn, and the spa. There are plenty of secret locations to discover, as well. Please let me know if you would like a tour, as there is a lot that can be potentially missed. (This was submitted during one of the first base contests you guys held, but I've changed/added a lot since then!)
  7. Oh, goodness. Well, I would love to have... -More portals for use. Up to maybe 20, from 10? 10 is quite a tiny amount, for larger bases with numerous rooms. -The option to link to other bases through a portal. Probably super difficult to implement, but would certainly open up a huge amount of options! -Smaller letters, as many others have stated. -The wooden gazebo that used to be on the test server - it's the one used in the Halloween festival and the winter cabin map, just without the lights and decorations on it. It's a beautiful piece! -An item that's a cluster of lily pads and lotuses would absolutely make my day. Would go a long way for sprucing up ponds! -More Eastern-themed art pieces in general. Two drawings of a dragon and a wooden sign board are...pretty lacking. - ...Perhaps a higher max item count...? Just a tiny bit more! I need to BUILD - More textures for surfaces. Cobblestone roads, granite, that sort of thing. -More kitchenware! -Less noise for the waterfalls, oh lord please they're so noisy. - Plaques we can add and edit the text of! - Towels! - More plants in general!
  8. Thank you so much for nominating me, and to the community for picking my base! Even if I didn't place in the GM-chosen winners, I think I probably feel happier with a community win, since my base is meant to be enjoyed by all. Excellent work to all builders involved with every base that entered! Keep at it!
  9. Oh, wow! Thank you so much for picking mine as a honorable mention! Good luck to everyone else who placed as well! To any friends of mine who come across this poll, I ask that you take the time to check out ALL the bases before making your vote. If you vote purely on the person or base you know the best, you may miss one that deserves to be seen! Please make sure to use /visscale 5 when touring everyone's bases! You may miss a lot of detail otherwise! Don't worry - you can set it back to normal by simply typing /visscale 1, or even just closing the game!
  10. Hello! Character name: Spirit Global Handle: @Squidget SG Name: Hallowed Grounds Shard: Everlasting Passcode: GHOST-1471 Contributors: None (unless you count me?) Please be sure to use /visscale 5 (or higher)! The base starts off in a spooky, fog-enshrouded clearing found after getting lost in the woods of Rhode Island - there's a shortcut to the main area just ahead and to the right, but ignoring that will take you down the "trial of courage" akin to some Japanese festivals! Once you're through that, you'll find yourself in an otherworldly resort...seemingly Japanese in design. Strange! Once you take the portal on the small island, you'll find yourself standing in front of a towering restaurant - The Pagoda! There's plenty to look around at here: the restaurant just ahead, the portal to chain of floating hot springs is to the right of the restaurant, the expansive caverns to the left, and the inn (located through the two small buildings to either side of the bridge in front of the Pagoda). Please feel free to message me ingame if you would like a tour! There's a few hidden spots that are easily passed over, such as the Cavern of the Sun and the Cavern of the Moon behind the waterfalls within the large cavern. Attractions within the cavern shown directly above include the Japanese gardens, coral reef with boating rentals, the Tenryu Bridge, the aquatic gardens, the wishing well, traveler's shrine within an interior cavern (on the same level as the well), and the main shrine, located at the peak of the cavern's multi-tiered layers. Two hidden caverns, the Cavern of the Sun and the Cavern of the Moon, are located behind the waterfalls on the ground level!
  11. SG Name: Hallowed Grounds Base Name: The Pagoda Code: GHOST-1471 SG Lead Global: @Squidget Be it through accidental wandering or extended invitation, those finding themselves wandering about the forests of Rhode Island may come across twisted, tangled paths within the depths of the foliage. Branching off into mazelike wilds, only those following (or stumbling across) the correct sequence of narrow turns may find the overgrown underbrush opening once more...though the marbled walls now towering to either side of the passage ahead certainly seems to imply one isn't quite yet out of the woods - metaphorically speaking, that is. And where'd that thick fog come from all of a sudden...? Starting off with a tranquil path (if you don't count the absurd otherworldliness of the scenario), the bridge ahead offers a safe way to traverse the oddly-clear waters flooding the passageway. At least...until one makes it to the midway point, that is. Suddenly, all the chirping birds and buzzing insects seem to have dwindled to nothingness; what was once lush greenery now decaying trees and fallen logs. Huh...was that the sound of something tearing through the walls ahead...? Probably just the imagination. Those clawing, ragged fingernails groping and grasping beneath the now-murky depths at the shattered planks of the fractured bridge? -Definitely- just the imagination. And gee, that's a lot of fog closing in from behind... ...All an elaborate ruse to dissuade accidental stumblers, to tell the truth! Should one manage to apply the correct talismans to the gotta-be-cursed gateway at the end of the fragmented path, the hellishly harrowing landscape beyond will vanish, offering a nice, clear view of what lies beyond - a serene, expansive field of grass surrounded by gigantic rocky outcroppings, seemingly in another reality entirely. A single island across a stony bridge draws the eye to the crystal-clear pond in the center of the field - so go on, step through the portal! What's the worst that could happen? ________________________________________ Welcome to The Pagoda - a bored spirit's Japanese restaurant and resort in a domain linked to Earth through the Astral! It's not open to the public yet, but feel free to hop on in anyway. Enjoy authentic Japanese cuisine at the titular building upon the floating island, take a dip in the hot springs on...another floating island, and take a stroll (okay, more like a hike, honestly) in a massive cavern boasting plentiful Japanese gardens, the expansive Dragon Bridge overlooking the coral reef and boat rental, and even make a wish at the well (no spooky ghost coming out of this one, thankfully) before stopping to pay respects at the shrine at the upper level. If you're tired, take a load off at the Suzaku Inn - guaranteed to leave you nice and refreshed, as if you've been reborn from the ashes yourself! Holy moly I wrote too much. Anyway, my base is lame, but stop by if you want! Good luck to everyone! (Also there's no NPCs/dishes/food because ICly it's not open to the public yet - excuse the emptiness!)
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